Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word of the Day Challenge

My WORD OF THE DAY — A True Story

Today I write a little about myself, something UNUSUAL since I tend to keep my life to myself.  I have been selfish since I have some things to say!

God has been good to me because I have always loved His teachings.  Although I must confess, I left Him for a time.  There was in my past when I was deceived.  (Another story for a BETTER time)


I am about to type this little story: True, short, and sweet.  It happened to me about 25 years ago!  To set the scene, know that I talked to God directly, but He never answered me at this point in my life.  However, one fine morning, after telling Him how thankful I was for bringing me again to the beginning of a beautiful day. 
 I finally asked Him, "Dear Jesus, why is it I never hear your voice?"  I said a few times in earnest.  "Why God, why?"  I continued ...  "If only I could hear just one word, really hear it, what would it be, just one word."  
I paused and HEARD, the word, just this one word I heard quite audible was ... "COME!"


I linked this post with two prompt words challenges from

#ragtagcommunity and #wordofthedaychallenge

poetry, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

It’s About Time!

My first query about this challenge is “Clock-Face,” a watch, timekeeper, what else?

However, the word “Clock-Face” reminds me of “Time.” Interesting word time.  Past-Present-Future, to know which one we look at the face of a clock, calendar, or memory. 

“Into Thy Hands, O Lord, I place my past, present, and future.” A little prayer I have been thinking about which brings me much security and or freedom from anxiety.  

Since yesterday I turned 82 years old, my time is running out! The world to me looks pretty bleak these days; therefore, my clock-face looks beckoning! No, I am not at all trying for doom and gloom or a cynic; why not? Because my life has been one of fulfillment. 

Today… let us pray… The Great, Almighty, Powerful God please give peace to all nations and bring your enemies to naught.  

My SIJO poem

GROWING UP or Growing old, too many birthdays, I am told
If you live long enough you can't escape once a year it comes
Cake, ice cream, too many candles all aglow, we call it life



#Sijo Poetry

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP


Sunday prompt today is “COLLEAGUE.” My little story can be read below as fiction based on prophesy. Only Time will Tell!


However, most have heard of “make-believe,” now we live in an era of “fake believe.” One day not so long ago, in what is now the world of “fake-believe,” lived an evil man who wanted to play God. He had many colleagues with the same agenda.

He started to believe he was a god when he dabbled with the sun.

The only One and True God allowed this evil person leeway because the culture became reversed. Bad was expected, and good was considered outdated.

God, too, can reverse, and the moon with the sun suddenly stopped giving light. For three days and nights, the earth suffered darkness.

Those on earth who honored God were protected in their homes, while those who cheered the new culture discovered that God would never be mocked.

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Pascal’s Wager “#Awakening”

Reading below might be an AWAKENING for some and not for others.
Awakening the prompt word for Ragtag Daily Prompt #RDP

Speaking of The Christian God… Question: “What is Pascal’s Wager?”

According to Pascal, the wise thing to do is live your life as if God exists because such a life has everything to gain and nothing to lose. If we live as though God exists, we have attained heaven. If He doesn’t exist, we have lost nothing. If, on the other hand, we live as though God does not exist and He does exist, we have gained hell and punishment and have lost heaven and bliss.

Pascal thinks it an intellectual blunder to wager on that there is no God. At least mankind should search for the truth. I know not whence I came or whither I go. I only know that on quitting this world, I shall fall forever either into nothingness or … “into the hands of an angry God.” Heb 10:31.

(A) There is a purpose in life (God made us for life with him), or (B) that there is not.

Under one guise or another, human selfishness always urges man to stake everything on the idea there isn’t God. Pascal tries to show that it is far more reasonable – even from the viewpoint of self-interest – to stake all on there is God. If you bet everything on B and A is the truth, you lose an eternal good. But if you stake all on A and B is the truth, you win.

Pascal’s Wager the ageless or immutable question

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

Please Allow me to EXPLAIN

I couldn’t resist these two prompt words from two different bloggers here on WordPress. CREDENCE and LUMINESCENCE

Not wanting to sound preachy or assertive; if I do, I apologize; I wanted you to know, especially those who embrace Christianity or think about it.

My post today is about a LUMINESCENCE Flower, a Forever Flower.
What is this a Forever Flower, you may ask? Speaking now of Jesus arouses another question; belief or CREDENCE of why Catholics honor His Mother? She is the Forever Flower and misunderstood by many. It grieves my heart that so many who consider they are Christians yet, miss the inspiration of her privileged grace.

They seem to mistaken her place as a glory possessed by her, not given by God, Himself. Meaning, she who forever, always in His mind, at the perfect time, He created His Masterpiece. His plan! God, who is all-knowing, KNEW.

Allow me, please to explain.

“And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.” 1John 5;7
The Word is Jesus, who, as prophesized, would become A Man with, along with His Divine nature, would have a human nature. Therefore, He needed a human Mother. Consider a woman who would carry God; had to be perfect because God is perfect. Thinking; of the Ark — “So the priests and the Levites were sanctified, to carry the ark of the Lord the God of Israel.” 1 Paralipoenon 1 Chronicles 15-14

To dishonor, His Mother is to dishonor Jesus along with His Will, His plan.

As Jesus came to us through Mary, we imitate Him and find Jesus through Mary’s Forever Flower of grace growing in souls who understand this mystery.

“Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.” Luke 1;48

The Forever Flower of Grace

Politics, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Cry Baby NONSENSE, Enough!

I have had ENOUGH of this social nonsense.
Enough of this talk; Denounce A Wall here but praise A Wall there as in Seattle’s Chop or whatever it is today.

Oppose a rally, as not safe yet, defend a protest safe as can be.

Uses Liberty to destroy Liberty.

The killing of free speech; by the squishing conservative address.
What a bunch of cry babies can’t stand to hear the other side, or is it they don’t want people to wake up and think.

The MANIA today is the word RACIST; in other words, color. I notice those who use that term are the real racist, that is their excuse for their own mistakes of life-styles, and now consequences they suffer for their own bad choices. Poor me! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, time to get your act together, stop looking for an excuse to do wrong.

Mindlovesmisery's, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

First Line Friday — Destination Unknown

Post Short Fiction inspired by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Friday!  


The station reminded her of some great creature, its constant machine whir breathing around her as she worked herself through the crowded people all around her. This was the first time she visited the train station. Where was everyone going, she wondered? So many people in one place were going this way and that way. The noise from the trains was indeed an enormous creature, its constant machine; the engine was huffing and puffing.  

This building is the local train station, and FINALLY I am one of those anxious people strolling around looking for my place to board one of those noisy, enormous machines trusting it to bring me to my destination.  


My adventure about to begin, I can only hope I will find the happiness and peace of soul when I reach the end of my journey. 


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

Ragtag wants to hear about ACQUIT!

RDP = Ragtag who says —> “Yeah, I went there – the word today is Acquit.  I’m looking forward to seeing your interpretations in words, images, poems, videos, and whatever other creations you come up with…have fun!”

Nancy forgot to say, that THEY TRIED to impeach, but the result was ACQUIT, which means cleared, absolved, exonerated, free.

Trump has many faults and failings, but he is not a GLOBALIST, of which you all should be grateful if you value your freedom.  Don’t vote Globalism or Socialism — Keep America Great!  Pray for our Country!  Pray for Venezuela too!

dVerse, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

What IS, It IS WHAT IS, Elusive!


Time as we know it is WHAT IS, like the truth, it IS!
We wake up, wonder what the day will bring.

Are the days set in stone?

Each day a wonder, each day means something
different or ELUSIVE! (the word of the day)
Examples, A Friday to the secular “Finally Friday.”
A religious person might feel yes, finally, but also see it as
“Fervent Friday,” the day Our Lord died.
A secular; Saturday = Self Saturday, a religious-minded would think
more in line with Saintly Saturday, and a little about self.
Then there are Sunny Sunday vs. Sacred Sunday.
Mournful Monday, Moral Monday, Tired Tuesday, Trinity Tuesday
Wake up Wednesday compared to Worthy Wednesday; the news of the day brings us to Tittle Tattle Thursday,
to the religious person would desire a Truthful Thursday.
Oh, how the weeks fly and indeed are ELUSIVE!

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word of the Day Challenge

Words that FIT!

G.K. Chesterton Quote fits perfectly with the word of the day which is … ta-da … YESTERDAY!

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” 

Today is purely INSANITY! Fight for Truth and Morals as was YESTERDAY!

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Supernatural Reality

Who sits in the temple of God?

The prompt word today is…SCHISM.


Most people don’t know or worse care

of schism the most significant division so

 grand that it is even warned to us in the Bible.


Bible. “Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.” (The Chair of St. Peter, First Pope, THE ROCK”)

2nd Epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians Chapter 2

Is it any wonder many are in awe at the things the person sitting in the Chair, says or does.  Vatican II, the New religion they call “catholic.”

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Watch the Pendulum swing!


YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONES! The people of COURAGE!  The pendulum is about to swing, at least here in America.


It takes courage for the conservative these days to stand up for their beliefs, whether morals or politics which in many cases are the same things.

Some folks are staunch to the Left, many atheists or confused about a Supreme Being while others don’t care if there is or isn’t a God, as long as He doesn’t disturb their lifestyle.

Next, those who sit on the fence; are attracted to the conservative point of view; however, they notice the loudest voice comes from the Left which shouts negatively towards the Right Mindset.

Is it lack of courage or the desire for human respect that brings them to silence? Whatever, the devil smiles and rubs his hands. “Yes,” he thinks!

The conclusion is the times we live in TODAY are shaping the world to believe that anyone with morals is guilty of a hate crime. If anyone dare defends what they read and understand, they might be doxxed here on WordPress, so they remove their impulsive “like” and coward back to their corner. Lacking the courage to be firm in the things they have learned from the beginning.

The time is now for courage since the swinging pendulum that represents the passage of time is moving in the direction to the Right.

How do I know this? I hear the yawnings of people waking up, their moans and sighs. God always wins in the end, and He knows how to bring us to our knees. He has CHOSEN us, we, therefore, should choose Him.  


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Fix the Man and the World will RIGHT!

Word prompts are SymptomExercise

We have all formed opinions about life in different ways, some from our parents, schools, books we read or just thinking.
Reading blog after blog here I form opinions and theories every day about people and the why. Why are we so unhappy? We complain about this and that it almost seems that there are few moments when we see anything useful.
Take our government, and governments all over the world. The world is diseased, and the symptoms are many.

I for one do not trust the government, but I am of the opinion that people get the government they deserve. When you look at the world, in general, it is on that slippery slope, declining with each passing day. Here in the U.S.A., it doesn’t matter if it’s the reds or the blues or purples that are in charge, either side belches hate for the other. Neither considers what is best for the people but instead continue to parade a merciless, unyielding approach.
Here is a little story that brings the point up front. Many of you may remember hearing this tidbit, as I have. A tale about a little person, boy or girl doesn’t matter. The child was bothering its mother while she was trying to read the newspaper. The mother was noticing a colorful picture within the pages, she tore it out and cut it into little pieces, mixed the parts to create a puzzle for her child to solve. Much to the mother’s surprise, the child too young to know geography put the puzzle together very quickly, she inquired, how? Her child told her, “mom on the backside of the puzzle there was a picture of a man; if you put right the man, the world comes together.”

The primary symptom/problem, for the most part, we have taken God out of our world and exercised Him with spite. Think about it! Ever since the world gets further away from the Ten Commandments He gave us, we continue to replace Him for strange gods, and the world declines. Is it any wonder we suffer from “Climate Change,” while we await His greater chastisement as in the past history of the world He allows.

Photo Challenge, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Uncategorized

Pick me Up @


Cee and Chris an invitation to share your views in images of which I added to their prompt.  

Also, I linked this to a prompt “Euphonious” Pleasing to your eyes, reflections to ponder or food for thought.  Suggested at RDP click here to join.


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

The Butt-Kicking Prayer

I’m all in favor of letting God decide as to who is LOST and who are the ones deserving of PARADISE — tired of hearing the Left show how the Right is so wrong and vice versa. Aren’t you?

For me, it was New York when Governor Cuomo signed a NEW law stating killing of newborns legal.

Let’s let God decide!

I heard about this “butt-kicking prayer” for those who are offending God, prayers to wake them up.  Change boy to all offenders and one nation praying for another then sit back and watch God decide who are the offenders and who are the protectors of His law.

Great short video and very entertaining too! Just imagine when you watch to change the boy mentioned as a group not only one boy. Imagine prayers going up to heaven to God that His truth to be known down below to the offenders with no brains.  No one wants to harm anyone; just to warn them.

Video here: MUST WATCH! You will love it!


Sorry Video won’t load correctly, it seems when you click you must then click the watch on youtube icon.

Daily Spur, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Dance the Masquerade

Apologizing for telling the truth in our society is a sequelae of liberalism.
Examining the actions of those on the left, proves those on the right are


Here is our fight:
Paid puppets
licking the blood of innocent babies.
Sightless who can no longer see; living in darkness;
are we boys or girls they question, animals or human.
Yet, they want all to follow, the blind leading
as they dance with the devil!

Dance the masquerade
The pretense of joy —Oh Boy!
Tomorrow; the tears

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

BURBLE— Interesting word, especially today!

The best definition of the word “BURBLE.”
Would be this ongoing debate on the
Kavanaugh nomination, on and on, BURBLE!
Beware what goes around comes around!
Carry on, the only thing left is the Vote!

BURBLE, burble, B U R B L E … sick of it, change the channel!

Thank God we Can, STILL change the channel.