

Now, healthy young people who suddenly die without any medical explanation are said to have died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) rather than from vaccines.


This too! Just found in my email!


2000 Mules, have you seen it?!

Hi everyone, I am still here, but my life has been taking much of my thoughts, along with my precious time.

Today I am gifted with two precious new baby boys, born ten days apart; looking at their darling faces, fingers, and toes makes me wonder how anyone could dare to destroy their lives at any time.
Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, a very holy day for Traditional Catholics and should be for everyone worldwide. What a wonderful world this would be if we all recognized the truth of God. Yes, my life, for some reason, has taken what seems to be a turn; I feel as if God is trying to get my attention. I need silence at this time! That is when I hear His voice.

I found this email in my email box. At first, I ignored it and did not want to watch it, but something kept nagging me, so I watched and said I don’t know what to think. It is hard for me to believe we who live in America have slipped this far and are soon living without freedom. I have always been grateful for freedom, but what can we expect when the world wants God out!

If any of the readers are curious enough to watch this link, a link that is hard to find, one of those that “they” will deny repeatedly, makes me wonder if it is true.

Mad World, opinion, Politics

Coming Soon! EVERYONE!

No matter what side of the fence you are on, the below text is for your benefit, in my opinion. Please read it! BECAUSE I CARE!

Copied from here —>https://tinyurl.com/yyytz3hm

How can we use this information to prepare for the American Freedom Convoy?
Currently, Freedom Convoys are organizing around the world, including in the United States, so it’s important to watch what’s happening in Canada right now and prepare accordingly. We can predict what the responses might be here based on what is happening there. We can be guaranteed that President Biden is taking notes on Trudeau’s actions (albeit in crayon) and considering taking those same actions here, perhaps pre-emptively.

These are my suggestions. Many of them are relevant whether you are pro-Freedom Convoy or anti-Freedom convoy. We’re all going to feel the effects.

Prepare for greater supply chain issues. Get a month ahead on medications, food, and other essentials. If you think the shelves are bare now, just wait until the trucks stop moving.  For advice on building your food supply, check out our free Quickstart guide.
Get some cash out of the bank. Instead of waiting for everyone to announce a bank run, be proactive and get as much cash on hand as possible.
Expect the rules to change. The situation changed rapidly in Canada and a rarely invoked law was brought back to allow unconstitutional punishment of those going against the government. We could experience martial law, suspension of the Posse Comitatus Act, unconstitutional executive orders allowing for asset seizure, and other punishments to shut down the dissent. This is not a case of “if you aren’t doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.” Those types of actions will affect all Americans.
If you plan to participate in the convoy, protect your supplies. Lock up extra food and gas and consider a locking fuel cap. You don’t want to end up in a battle with the police, so make sure your supplies are not easily accessible to just be seized.
Decide where you stand. If you are on the fence, you need to decide where your allegiances lie. I recommend keeping that information to yourself if possible because sentiments are heated enough in the US. At the same time, be aware that if you donate, support, or participate it’s entirely likely you will be “outed” so make sure.
Be prepared for the consequences of your actions. Whatever you opt to do is up to you. But note that the demonstrators from January 6th were prosecuted and tracked down in a very different matter than demonstrators in Portland and Seattle. If you feel compelled to participate, I’m certainly not here to discourage you, but I want you to be aware that you could face some unpleasant consequences, and only you can decide if that is something you’re prepared to do. If you go against the current administration, it’s entirely likely you’ll be considered a terrorist. (If you’re not already.)

January 6th

One Traditional Bishop tell it as he sees it!

Bp. Sanborn's Blog

Much ado was made by the leftists about the events of January 6th of last year. They shuddered for indignation. What a terrible crime that the Right committed!

Let it be said first that it was not at all a good idea that the demonstrators enter the Capitol building. It was far worse that some of them actually stole things that belonged to the members of Congress. Such acts did absolutely no good for the cause of protesting the probable election fraud that took place in November. Indeed, the whole event played into the hands of the Left.

View original post 1,679 more words

A reblog, Politics

American Thinker — the sky is falling!

The Devil’s World

"William Golding (of Lord of the Flies fame) wrote an essay titled “Thinking as a Hobby” in which he outlined what he saw as the three stages of human thought. The first stage, he pointed out, wasn’t really thinking at all, but rather emoting about whatever information (or disinformation) parades through a brain’s synapses. This level of “thought” takes no actual knowledge, uses logic sparingly, if at all, and produces nothing but anger, bitterness, and only an occasional tickle of amusement. The second stage of thinking is actual, rational thinking, but only goes so far as to list the problems, to recognize the difficulties, to make the diagnosis. It is overwhelmingly negative -- the sky is falling, the sky is falling!

This is where most news commentary stops. Rarely do they dig deep into possible solutions and the defense of those proposed solutions. This level of thought requires a positive outlook, a strong sense of optimism and the courage to follow through.  It requires creativity, knowledge of history, science, logic, economics, and rhetoric. It requires self-discipline. On the other hand, the negative woe-is-me level is easy; it’s a testimony to the sinful, complaining nature of man.

Man is naturally a whiner and so is the Devil." 

Read more here ---> link below

Next Time Think Before You Vote!

A medical doctor professes hundreds of congressional lawmakers, family members and staffers have received Covid-19 preventative care that included an ivermectin regimen – and kept those facts from the American people.

If there will be a NEXT TIME!

Politics, Reblog

The Good News—A COVID-19 Update


Nwo Report

Source: Thomas T. Siler, M.D.

Now that we have had 18 months to “slow the spread” it is time to take stock of the pandemic. We have learned many good things that the media and our pandemic managers rarely report. Most fundamentally, we do not need to be afraid of COVID-19 anymore. The media and some government health authorities are still pushing hysteria and fear, but that should not prevail. Let’s look at the good news that can calm our fears about COVID-19. There’ll be time at a later date to look at the bad and the ugly of the resolving pandemic.

1) Globally, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.8%. Under the age of 70, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.97%. This is on par with many influenza seasons. Americans younger than 70 do not have to fear COVID-19 any more than influenza and we know how to…

View original post 863 more words

Politics, Reblog

Fully Vaccinated Woman Dies of Covid after Taking Carnival Cruise to Belize – 27 People Total Tested Positive For Covid Aboard Ship – ALL VACCINATED


Nwo Report

Source:Cristina Laila

A beloved great grandmother tragically died of Covid after taking a Carnival cruise to Belize earlier this month.

77-year-old Marilyn Tackett, a retired Sunday school teacher from Oklahoma, boarded a Carnival cruise ship on July 31 out of Galveston, Texas.

On August 4th, Tackett, who was fully vaccinated for Covid, began to have breathing problems and decided to stay on the ship as her family disembarked and toured Belize.

The ship’s medical team tested Tackett for Covid and it came back positive.

The cruise’s medical doctor said Tackett needed to be put on a ventilator and had her transferred to a local hospital in Belize.

The family raised money through GoFundMe to pay for the $5,000 demanded by the hospital in Belize.

Tackett was ultimately flown to a hospital in Oklahoma where she passed away on August 14.

“We just wanted to get on here and Thank…

View original post 651 more words

FSS, Politics, Word of the Day Challenge

Global Research has no clue

Fantango FSS short story sentence is: He could feel the beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he slowly…

My short story, when I read my email today, this suggested line from Fantango seemed to fit right into my personal feelings, I too wonder WHY?

Story begins on just another day in the world we live in today! To set the frame of mind I wonder why is it of all people, the liberals were always the ones who seemed self-willed, Liberal can be traced back to the Latin word liber (meaning “free”) (no one was going to tell them what to do, nor does anyone have the right to tell others how to live.)

This particular freethinker one afternoon while reading his favorites source of research, He could feel the beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he slowly… continued to read the fearful headlines, “The Vaccinated Are Getting Sick at High Rates as Scientists Are Clueless As to Why”. For the first time in his life, he began to pray! He began to feel better after her prayed, surely God will show mercy on his loved ones, of which he was mostly concerned with.

He was correct with his thinking, God will hear and answer his prayers. Perhaps this research is merely a coincidence, he hoped as he put the Global Research aside. It was just his Kakorrhaphiophobia getting the best of him, he thought!

documentation here —> https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-mainstream-media-outlet-admits-vaccinated-getting-sick-high-rates-scientists-clueless-why/5753770


EXPOSED in the most glorious way! #FOWC

A short story exposing those who favor — unveiling the truth of it all. Take the word EXPOSE UNCOVER WHAT IS COVERED! The story begins politics as usual in our daily life:


Much to the chagrin, he heard the Principal whispered, “but could he talk?”

Yet the shy student was please with his high academic score, knowing he was on his way to give the valedictory address, but could he talk?

Surprise and wonder seen on the faces of faculty; could he talk? They questioned each other. The time has come again when the teaching staff could not cherry-pick their favored student; our student rose from merits he earned, not from a “pet” family who relished the team with benefices by word or deed.

Finally, the evening came; teachers are pacing nervously as the audience awaits the shy student to appear from behind the curtain.

He steps up with confidence, never before noticed by his teachers.
Soon they applaud! “Bravo, bravo!”
“Best graduation speech ever!” they echoed!
The teachers are aghast!

Carrot Ranch, Politics

If your easily Offended don’t read this!

If you love carrots don’t miss this challenge at the CARROT RANCH! Ninety-nine words  – 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the word meltdown. The rules are use it to describe an event or emotional reaction. You can create a new meaning or explore the word origin. You can Go where the prompt leads! Respond by July 20, 2021. That is what I did, (create a new meaning) Why not – those in power are doing it, creating new meanings.

Carrot Ranch is located here, click!


Below please find a few words to add to the new glossary; words to conform with the New Order of things. The New World Order, they call it.

“Misinformation” today means anything Democrats don’t like.
“Racist” means today anything said, the Democrats disagree.
“He or she” is illegal pronouns today because the liberals say so!
“Censorship” is anything that infringes on their rights.
“Offended” means hurry unfriend them sooner than later.
There are also a few new words not in the dictionary, such as
“Antifa” – “vax”!
“Meltdown”; oops, I’m at my 99 words; see picture below for definition.

Politics, Reblog

VAERS Report Indicates 9,000+ Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Deaths, a 2,000 Increase in One Week

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S. licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Nwo Report


The most wicked medical experiment in human history has hit a horrific threshold.

In the past week, the latest VAERS Report indicates over 9,000 deaths related to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

That’s more vaccine-related deaths than all other vaccines combined.

Yet, the government and Big Pharma continue to insist the experimental jabs are safe and effective.

Trending: Newest Trump Dancing Video Is Out and I’m Dying!

With over 9,000 vaccine-related deaths, in what reality is this “safe and effective?”

Past vaccinations were pulled with dozens of deaths.

But the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are pushing 10,000.

And VAERS is notorious for underreporting cases.

That means we likely already passed 10,000 experimental COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.

Here’s the latest:

Stop Big Tech From Tracking You Online: PureVPN

Children’s Health Defense reported:

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021, a total of438,441 total adverse…

View original post 375 more words


Global Research — Believe it or not!


To put this into some perspective, there have now been more deaths reported following COVID-19 injections that started in December of 2020, than there have been total deaths recorded following vaccinations in the previous 30 years, from January 1, 1991 through November 30, 2020, according to the CDC’s VAERS.



Living in Fear, your body, your choice!