
Who Are You To Say!

Sunday Confessionals : Answers


I wonder — can we agree?
Can we all just get along?
The world happier would be!
Maybe I might/could be wrong!

Must I always do as you?
Possibly I might be right!
I trust my thoughts also true —
And I believe white is white!

If you so dislike my voice
Simply turn and dance away!
Agree that all have a choice.
Then our world will be okay!

Daily Spur, Lucky Dip, Mindlovesmisery's, Saturday Mix

How Would I Know!

For this week’s Lucky Dip, says she reached into her mystery bag and pulled out a Didactic Poem – What! You say what is that? Didactic Poetry is a form of poetry intended for instruction such as for knowledge or to teach.

My attempt is seen below; I wrote it with five-syllable ease-to-flow lines. Titled; FAITH

Do you know — I do!
How does God answer?
How do I know this
His Church tells me so!

Through His suffering
Merits fill the brim
Treasury the Church
His Church —always true.

Almighty Supreme
Great God could have winked!
To save us all —Yet!
Would you have cared? — No!

His torture —The Price.
His wealth — eternal.
Waits for you to draw
From His treasury!

A Divine merit
Never-ending, FREE!
His merits circling
Over and beyond!

His worth forever.
Whirls the world; passion
Infinite!  Complete
Please ask to receive.

Word Prompt is “GREAT”



Bottoms Up! At  MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie

What a challenge looking at this “wonky” image; this is what came to my “P” brain looking at the image below. See my verse down under.

I wonder now what YOU would create, – join HERE!

Bottoms Up

Does the world seem wonky?
If not, why not?
When will it end?  Or should we 
Stand together on our heads.
A man, a woman, or boy, a girl.
At best, we will laugh together.
At worst, a headache, ouch!
Upside down or bottoms up?

The bottom not so good
We laugh, trying not to cry!
What will tomorrow bring?
Remembering upright.
A day when we were not
Uptight: young girls' dreams
Of a picket fence, a knight
In shining armor.  

When  little boys were
Made of puppy-dog tails;
Little girls were sugar and spice
The world was oh so nice.  

Mindlovesmisery's, Photo Challenge, Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge

Never Again! A Tiger in the Woods

Interesting photo, with my caption, is loud and clear or a concise 13-word story.

Photo credit Claudia Weijers

My sad attempt at a limerick:

It is said, never say never;
that is true, however
If you see a tiger glaring
Look again who is really staring
It’s Tiger Woods as ever

#MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie


Mindlovesmisery's, Photo Challenge

A Poem Without thought

Just a little simple poem with no particular form composed quickly while looking at the photo challenge below. A Free Versed Poem.

All alone, it may seem
Yet, like living, things may be seen
Lonely, we forget that heavenly stream
All alone, it may seem



Our words this week are:

– black and white

– unusual and common

Help my hair is turning gray, I suppose that means I have had many, too many birthdays. The question now is should I go black or white?

Honestly, both have their advantages, unusual as they might be, yet as common as staying gray. Gray or grey, whatever!


Why not join in this weekend on the fun at —

Opposing Forces – Saturday Mix, 25 September 2021

Welcome to the Saturday Mix, 25 September 2021!

Mindlovesmisery's, Politics

The World Today in HOMOPHONES

The ‘Double Take’ challenge TODAY focuses on the use of homophones. You have two sets of homophones and you are challenged to use all of them in your response – which can be poetry or prose.

Our homophone sets this week are:

nays – votes against
neighs – a horse vocalize

pain – hurts
pane – a single pane glass

My participation is below:

Life today! Don't get too close.
Look through a window instead.
But then the pane of glass; it shatters;
Oh, the pain of hearing!  Hearing
Yeas, over the nays!  Bad over good!
Accepted, even wild horses wail their neighs! 
Society!  What happened?
Nature in conflict while
Disharmony thickens!


Sorry if I OFFENDED anyone

mindlovemiserysmenagerie Reminds us It is First Line Friday! Welcome and let’s get writing.

You have a week to write it, enjoy! Include the first line of course! Tag it Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Fridays, and short fiction.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, I hope it’s not YOU! I SEE!

Ta Da! ♫ Your first line is **People see what makes sense to them, reality notwithstanding.**

Below see my attempt at offending someone!

**People see what makes sense to them, reality notwithstanding.**
It all boils down to lifestyle and Pride.
Today especially, with the new normal that is plugged. 
The "New Normal" defined as:

I’m offended!
You’re a racist!
Boy or Girl or to be determined!
Cops are bad; crooks are good!
Riots/looters are peaceful!
Processions/A March are terror!
Conservative silenced
Liberal voice loud

Any other New Normals to report — leave in the comments.
My challenge to you!


Sometimes One just has to be SILLY

Can’t find my thinking cap! Don’t say it, I know what you’re thinking!

Tale Weaver – #299 – Over The Top – October 29th I took the challenge anyway!


Looking way Over the top
Stooping under the bottom
Licking a sweet lollipop
Enjoying the cool Autumn

Having indeed a great day
After sleeping sound all night
Cut last blooms for a bouquet
Thinking of what now to write

Now reaching for my laptop
Designing away something —
Anything … Over the top


Mindlovesmisery's, poetry, Politics, Word Prompts

Poem Mix with Politics

Over on my sidebar there is a quote that inspired me today. Together with a prompt word SWITCH not to mention Mindlovemiserysmenagerie below.

“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”

Saint Augustine

First time for me with the explanation below through the inspiration of Mindlovemiserysmenagerie Poetry known as Vers Beacoup.

The Vers Beaucoup, a poem created by Curt Mongold, is French for “many rhymes.” Each stanza consists of four lines with a rhyming word scheme of:

My creative verse below rhyming scheme as above with three stanza of three groups

If you get the ITCH to SWITCH, that’s RICH
Don’t DITCH! WOW, do it NOW by golly
Take that VOW! Plan AHEAD, use your HEAD
Before your DEAD! WRITE what’s RIGHT!

Don’t FRIGHT; we UNITE for the FIGHT
Be a KNIGHT! READ now let’s LEAD —
WEED out evil! Pull the PLUG rid that THUG
So very SMUG! GAIN hope to DRAIN!

It’s DEEP don’t fall ASLEEP, WEEP for
The SHEEP! An ARRAY of truth we PRAY
TODAY. To set us FREE we can all AGREE
With GLEE! Soon to sing the LATE Deep STATE!

Mindlovesmisery's, poetry

Opposites do Attract

OPPOSITES ATTRACT This challenge is all about “opposing forces” and the use of antithesis in our writing. Our words this week are:

– ascend and descend

– hope and despair

My post in the form of a Haibun with Haiku

God indeed works in mysterious ways. Take life as an example. There are those people who are their best when they are at their lowest; in other words, they seem to sink or descend to the lowest point before rising to ascend to great heights. That is the way of life, and even God Himself fell three times when He carried His Cross before He rose. He never despaired, but hoped for our salvation.  

All called to follow

Up down, to and fro we go

Heaven is our goal

Ah! Another Challenge, Mindlovesmisery's, poetry

Why are we here? Welsh Poetry

What a challenge!  I tried!  See below

Rhupunt is a Welsh poetry form. Here are the guidelines for the rhupunt:

  • The form can be broken down into lines or stanzas
  • Each line or stanza contains 3 to 5 sections
  • Each section has 4 syllables
  • All but the final section rhyme with each other
  • The final section of each line or stanza rhymes with the final section of the other lines or stanzas



why are we here
to drink a beer
to add some cheer
a bad omen

seek a good friend
but learn to bend
stretch to the end
write a poem

keep it simple
nothing sinful
see the steeple
you’re almost home

Mindlovesmisery's, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

First Line Friday — Destination Unknown

Post Short Fiction inspired by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Friday!  


The station reminded her of some great creature, its constant machine whir breathing around her as she worked herself through the crowded people all around her. This was the first time she visited the train station. Where was everyone going, she wondered? So many people in one place were going this way and that way. The noise from the trains was indeed an enormous creature, its constant machine; the engine was huffing and puffing.  

This building is the local train station, and FINALLY I am one of those anxious people strolling around looking for my place to board one of those noisy, enormous machines trusting it to bring me to my destination.  


My adventure about to begin, I can only hope I will find the happiness and peace of soul when I reach the end of my journey. 



This Quote to that Quote!

INSPIRATION FROM THE Sunday Writing Prompt — 

Accepting their challenge from this quote from Atticus;  –> “We just want the world to love the little monster that we are.”  Atticus a pseudonym for an anonymous poet, writer, and artist.

The prompt reminds me of another quote from the Bible:  The above quote from Attius to this quote below is my post today, Sunday, December 22, 2019.

Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God?  Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God.

James 4:4