
Three Favorites

The Lens-Artists Photo Challenge July 31 host is Sarah asking for three of our favorite photos. I humbly consider myself an amateur photographer, but I enjoy taking pictures this first one has a memory; I would like to forget but do I really want to forget? Happened one day during a major snow storm, and I noticed my bird feeder, as seen below. As soon as I captured the image, the snow fell off my metal roof and knocked me over. My camera bounced into the deep snow, and I was shocked but unhurt.

Snow fall


Ta-da! Number two, I was visiting the cemetery, and right next to it was this large wheat field with this spectacle as seen in my photo. As luck was on my side, I had my camera and captured it not for the moment but forever.

At Work


Number three below — You may have seen this image before on my blog, it is a pathway hidden within and waiting to be discovered as one walks along the many acres of treasured land high on a hill overlooking Spokane on Mount Saint Michael Church property.

Lets Take a Walk

Thank you all who visited my collection today, have a blessed Sunday!

Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge


The Cosmic Photo Challenge suggested FREESTYLE this week, so here goes!


It’s all about the LIGHT!

First image fallen leaves along with paper doily pressed under plexiglass just one of my many experiments in photography.

Bell in my Church to announce the beginning of Traditional Mass

Last image is my photo during the Traditional Mass also known as the Mass of all times.

Time Suspended

Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

A Time to pray, a time to play, a Get Away!

Can color change? Color is beautiful as Life is beautiful and valuable to all!

Images below reflect the best way to GET AWAY!

Getting away through Lens-Artists. Advice from an elderly, an old woman, me!

We can’t stop the world and jump off!
Even if we could, where would we land
Our place is here; it’s not quicksand!
Life is beautiful; happiness is at hand.
Seek your peace of soul, a gift given!
Relax and pray the only get away!

Find a time to pray
Time to relax and play
Meditation a good source to get away
Stop, listen someone is calling!

Always remember the color of your world changes!

#WQWWC, Lens-Artists

Having fun while waiting for the end … of

all the FAKERY!


Today while reading the talented bloggers here, since I consider myself still learning so much. I was looking at Marsha’s beautiful examples of black and white and her introduction to Anne.

LEARNING! I never knew that was going to be such a plus when I started a blog.
I was inspired to take a few images I had; finally, I managed to capture a hummingbird after so many hours of waiting.

I liked the half color and half B&W of Marsha’s post, so I tried to copy her idea!


Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

Lens -Artist from Large to Small

Large to small from grays to black

What could be larger than the entire sky, with a sky writer plane and a tiny black bug.


YOU are invited to join the fun by participating in our From Large to Small challenge this week. Be sure to link YOUR post HERE and include the “Lens-Artists” tag.

Here we go
Large to small
Black to White
and everything in between.
Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

Lens-Artists equal WILD

I captured these wild geese playing at the river nearby;  thinking they might make a cute comic strip with added interest.  As always here at my blog the photos plus art are not copyrighted and free to use.




Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

Lens—Artists my delicate image

This amazing image was captured a few days ago as I drove down a country road.

A tree growing out of a dead stump, I titled it “Resurection”; a reminder of how our bodies will rise again as the Catholic Creed promises.

I believe … “The resurrection of the body, and life everlasting, Amen”.


Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

Lens-Artists — Who wouldn’t agree to this Harmony



As I have said before on anywhere on my blog at WordPress: all my photographs or artwork are NOT copyrighted, free to use.  At my age who cares if you borrow my work.  I have other things to be concerned with.