Just Because

I started to paint again!

The world is a little crazy these days; perhaps God is near the end of His patience if that could be possible.

“Cast me not off in the time of old age: when my strength shall fail, do not thou forsake me.” Psalm 70-9

This past week I have had two great distractions, so I haven’t posted much. I ordered my own Haydock Bible, Douay Rheims, with commentary of Haydock. I purchased mine from Refuge of Sinners Publishing for $130.00 @ 812-967-2531, or you can get it from Amazon here Haydock Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible: Rev. George Haydock: 9781622920587: Amazon.com: Books

It is beautiful to have a commentary from the Early Fathers of the Church.

I am enjoying my time reading it!

Also, lately perhaps because of the situations with the world, looking at my religious pictures from the internet and books, I never noticed before. Still, recently I noticed that the images of Jesus and Mary are so serious and should be. Yet I desired to see at least the Mother of God smile at me; I searched and searched but could not find one. Some I found were almost a smile when she is pictured holding her Divine Son, Jesus. 

I haven’t touched my watercolor paints in years, but I decided to paint a picture of her smiling at me, as you guessed. My paints were all dried up, and I had to soak them in water, find my brushes & paper, and find a frame; I prayed for help because of old shaky hands belonging to me! This project kept me out of trouble last week since I could think of nothing else.

Even with God’s help, I discovered this was the best I could do, but at least she is smiling at me! 

She hangs near the entrance into my humble home; for all who enter, she smiles at them too! 

I pity those who ignore her, for she magnifies her Son; they miss so much, perhaps in time. Luke 1-46 “And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord.” 

Luke 1- 46
Just Because

Fandango’s Provocative Question #FPQ

He asks: What are your primary sources for news these days? Are you confident that your sources present the news accurately, fairly, and without bias? Or have you given up trying to keep up with the news anymore?

Try: https://www.brighteon.com/



Have a Blessed Day everyone!


Just Because

Is the new UP really DOWN

We live in an upside-down world today, or am I standing on my head?
Nothing seems normal when standing on your head; try it!
Upside down; is said to be ...
up = down while down = up, you see!
Everything that was once considered good is now wrong.
It is popular for adults to wonder if they are men or women and, so COOL, to change their sons or daughters to whatever they are NOT!  Heaven forbid you to use pronouns as she or he an offense that will soon end you in jail.
Everyone is labeled racist to the point the word itself has lost all meaning. 

Now for the mask, that latest IS
Last year, we were told to wear a mask to protect others. Yet, today, when the vaccinated now no longer a danger to others continue to wear them!  Hmmm ...  pointing their fingers (think of others they claimed).  Proving Others = SELF!

Upside down; is said to be
up = down while down = up, you see!
Round is square declared everywhere
Sad makes one laugh; the whole is only half
Hot is cold, as ice on fire
Success defined; one great liar!


This is what happens when the powers that be are allowed to remove God; He gives us what they want. Pray as you have never in your life prayed before.

Just Because

My REPOST of the week on Targeted Traffic HOW TO

Found this in my email today, just passing it along to interested readers here.

“Get more targeted traffic from social media?

A deep dive to find all the patterns in social media influencers.

One thing that stuck out was they were all using a smart bio link.

You see most social media platforms limit you to only one link in your profile.

With a smarter bio link page, you can send traffic to multiple pages”

Click here to see how to!

Just Because, Politics

The World Today in the form of a letter


If you haven’t heard of these letters; you will do yourself a favor and learn something today!

This particular letter was published here today: https://fromrome.info/2021/02/22/we-are-living-in-a-screwtape-letter-by-c-s-lewis/

It describes our WORLD TODAY: Uncanny as it is!

C.S. Lewis wrote these words in his book “The Screwtape Letters” nearly 79 years ago. Amazing how this could have been written today:
′′One young devil asked the old man: “How did you manage to bring so many souls to hell?” The old devil answered: “I instilled fear in them!” Answers the youngster: “Great job!
And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger?” Answers the man: “No, they were afraid of the disease!” For this youngster: “Does this mean they didn’t get sick? Are they not dead? There was no rescue for them?”
The old man answered: “but no . . . they got sick, died, and the rescue was there.” The young devil, surprised, answered: “Then I don’t understand???” The old man answered: “You know they believed the only thing they have to keep at any cost is their lives.
They stopped hugging, greeting each other. They’ve moved away from each other. They gave up all social contacts and everything that was human! Later they ran out of money, lost their jobs, but that was their choice because they were afraid for their lives, that’s why they quit their jobs without even having bread.
They believed blindly everything they heard and read in the papers.
They gave up their freedoms, they didn’t leave their own homes literally anywhere. They stopped visiting family and friends.
The world turned into such a concentration camp, without forcing them into captivity.
They accepted everything!!!
Just to live at least one more miserable day . . . And so living, they died every day!!! And that’s how it was very easy for me to take their miserable souls to hell….. ′′

C.S. Lewis in 1942 – Old Devil’s Letters To Young

Just Because

Did You Know

Valentine’s Day is a Catholic Saint’s Feast Day, known as St. Valentine

Valentine’s Day is ALMOST HERE!

My favorite SECULAR quote on the theme LOVE “You always hurt the one you love.” by Allan Roberts also a very popular song with the same words for the Title.

My favorite supernatural quote has to be.
“Let us therefore love God, because God first hath loved us.” 1John 4:19

Love, love and love!

Just Because

World in Crisis, I Dare You!

See the source image

Whether you believe the recent selection of President in USA or the virus everyone speaks about are instilling fear. STOP IT! Fear Not!

See the source image

Enjoy your family this coming Thanksgiving. Enjoy this delicious sweet recipe below; always a Holiday treat!

The only difficult action of this recipe is in the rolling of them into a roll before they cool off.

I dare you to try!

Your family, friends will love these.


Two egg whites (room temp. beat until stiff)

1/2 cup of sugar

1/3 cup SIFTED flour

1Teaspoon of almond extract

3Tablespoons of butter

1/3 cup finely chopped almonds

Confectioners sugar

Sprinkle sugar over the stiffly beaten egg whites and carefully fold in the flour, melted butter, almond extract, and chopped almonds.

Drop batter by teaspoon on a WELL BUTTERED PAN; spread each into a thin circle—Bake at 375 degrees for only 5 MINUTES. Cookies are ready when slightly brown around the edges.  Work quickly to roll while keeping them warm; if they cool too fast, you will not be able to shape them in a roll. Better to bake only a few at a time for that reason.  

Sprinkle each with powdered sugar.   yummy! JHappy Thanksgiving from my blog to your blog.

Now you are wondering, and this is the real crisis. What do I do with the two egg yokes after separating the whites from the yokes.
Suggestion, add another egg to them and make scrambled eggs, or find another recipe that only requires two yokes.

Just Because, opinion, Politics

EVERYONE JOIN THE CONTEST Entries must be submitted by October 25, 2020


John Falter cover

Poets here on WordPress who will be the winner? Don’t forget it has to be funny!

Thought I would practice writing a Limerick so here below is my take on a practice Limerick; Practice makes perfect. Your turn!


Every hour this male thrived on power
Although he lacked the brainpower
Some called him sleepy
That seemed quite creepy
Believed he wore a mask taking a shower

Just Because, opinion

What If !!!

The word today from the famous Fandango is PERFUNCTORY!

Fight with delight, fight the fight, these statues the “peaceful” unthinking, perfunctory protestors are tearing down, have had enough.  BEWARE!

You will have to agree, I feel, these images below are certainly perfunctory, glib, or at least artful, depending on how you look at things.












Just Because, opinion

Is Melatonin the answer to the corona crisis?

Melatonin is the reason why children under the age of 9 seldom exhibit severe symptoms. In fact, children may exhibit mild or even no symptoms at all, even though they have been infected by SARS-CoV-2 [73].  How significant is the difference in melatonin production between children, adults and the elderly?

For most people, peak melatonin production is between the hours of 2 am to 3 am.  The maximum melatonin levels measured in healthy adults between the ages of 65 to 70 years appeared to be around 49.3 picograms/ml (pg/ml).  Adults more than 75 years of age only have maximum production levels of 27.8 pg/ml [74].

Young children, on the other hand, have extremely high melatonin levels, compared to adults.  The maximum levels recorded for children showed a decline as age increased. Children between the ages of 1 to 5 had peak melatonin at 325 pg/ml, while those between the ages of 5 to 11 already declined to 133 pg/ml [76].

Compared to healthy adult seniors, a young child can easily have TEN TIMES the amount of peak melatonin levels.  But even then, the actual physiological concentration is extremely low. How much is one picogram, exactly?

To give you some perspective, most melatonin supplements are around 3 to 5 mg per capsule or tablet.  One milligram equals 1,000,000,000 picograms. That is why the physiological dosage generally recommended for melatonin supplementation is around 0.3 milligrams [75].

The fact that young children have such high melatonin levels explains why they show very mild symptoms after COVID-19 infections.


Melatonin is a potent inhibitor of NLRP3 inflammasomes.

Generally referred to as the “hormone of darkness”,  the ability of melatonin to regulate both pro- as well as anti-inflammatory cytokines in different pathophysiological conditions has only been extensively studied in the past several years.

Controlling cytokine storms is one of the major challenges in the treatment of sepsis [82].  The NLRP3 inflammasome has an interesting nickname of “Pandora’s Box for Sepsis” [83]. Yet nature provides all the solutions to difficult health challenges.

NLRP3 inflammasomes is a direct target of melatonin.  Animal models of sepsis showed melatonin’s ability to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis, reduce reactive oxygen species and lower production of proinflammatory cytokines. Melatonin was shown to inhibit NLRP3 inflammasomes in mice with myocardial septic conditions, transforming severe myocardial inflammation into milder symptoms, preventing cardiac failure, and significantly enhanced survival rates of septic mice [77, 78].

An excellent study by Volt et al (2016) showed that chronic low doses of melatonin in aged mice could prevent increase in inflammation, ROS and mitochondria impairments reflective of inflammaging [79, 80]. Volt et al. also showed that acute administration of melatonin could counteract severe inflammatory responses [81].

It is therefore not surprising to find that melatonin is able to prevent ARDS/ALI through suppression of NLRP3 inflammasomes.

In rodent acute lung injury (ALI) models, melatonin was found to markedly reduce pulmonary injury, lower infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils into lungs. Melatonin protected mice from acute lung injuries by inhibiting the activation of NLRP3 inflammasomes through the suppression of extracellular release of histones and blocking histone-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation [84].

In rodent models of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), combined treatment of melatonin and mitochondria significantly attenuated progression of ARDS [85].

Melatonin Protects Lung Injury from Mechanical Ventilation Interventions

COVID-19 patients with ARDS/ALI often require intubation with mechanical ventilation.  Even though the intervention may help patients, in many instances, patients develop ventilator-induced lung injury as a result of mechanical ventilation [86].  In particular, high ventilation pressures and high tidal volumes required to maintain proper oxygenation and CO2 elimination can cause lung damage and impair gas exchange.

A study released on March 6, 2020 by Geng-Chin Wu et al. demonstrated that by increasing melatonin with the use of a melatonin receptor agonist, damaging effects of ventilator-induced lung injury could be prevented in rodent models [87].

The full therapeutic potential of melatonin in its ability to modulate the immune system, especially the critical function of suppressing cytokine storms to prevent progression of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and respiratory failure in infected patients was clearly demonstrated in a study by Huan]g et al. (2019).  Huang et al. infected rodents with the highly lethal and infectious H1N1 influenza A virus. Co-treatment of these infected rodents with melatonin and an antiviral drug significantly increased their survival rates compared to mice treated only with antivirals alone [88]!

It is no wonder that none of the pregnant mothers infected by COVID-19  admitted to Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China,  developed severe pneumonia or died; nor were their babies infected by COVID-19 [89]. Why?

Melatonin secretion in the third trimester of pregnancy is more than doubled compared to the first trimester.

COVID-19, Pneumonia & Inflammasomes – The Melatonin Connection