I Believe Because

Christians everywhere have you ever contemplated the Holy Trinity?

My Mass prayer book mentions their unique Unity is due to their Sacred Divine Nature. I found that very interesting.

Don’t ever forget the Please and Thank you to the Trinity.

My prayer to the Father would be, IS. To the Father, The Creator, thank you for your Masterpiece of Creation the Mother of God and thank you for allowing me the grace to find her. To the Son, the only Son of God the Redeemer of the world, thank you for your redeeming all of us, and thank you for my personal redemption. To the Holy Ghost thank you for the Incarnation of Jesus and thank you for guiding me to Him. Please remember me yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever and beyond. Amen

I Believe Because

Today March 8th IS —

March Eighth

According to Wikipedia, today is Woman’s Day!

The saddest part of today is that most women neglect the only woman who deserves to be remembered today and every day. Mary was so favored by God; she was overflowing, full of grace before her conception, He knew her. God’s Masterpiece, she was created with a particular role, to be the Mother of God. 

   God knew that we, His creatures loved by God, would need a Redeemer! For Our God who knows all, He the Creator of all understood that humans who were created in His image, in that we and we alone have an immortal soul, a beginning without an end. His Divine plan was to become a man with a human nature remaining Divine; through the power of the Holy Ghost and taking a human nature from Mary, His chosen mother. Through her free will, she raised the ideal of womanhood by her obedience and fortitude.

Christ loved His mother; her fiat pleased Him. What an example for us, yet today she remains ignored as Jesus was and still ignored by many who claim to follow Him. Many who think of themself as Christian refuse to imitate Christ as we are called to do, love His mother as He did. 

Luke 1; 41 forward

41 And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb: and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

42 And she cried out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

44 For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.

45 And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord.

46 And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord:

I Believe Because, true story

Coming out of the fog!

Wow-what an experience this has been, one moment I was here, and the next I felt as if I was in the twilight; still not sure what happened to me!

I hope all is well among the WordPress Community!

I know I must have missed participating in the challenges I love, reading.

This Covid 19 is very strange, it has a personality of its own. I know I was in the hospital, not fighting for my life but my sanity.

I will admit I had some strange experiences most of which I could describe as “supernatural, as my memory comes back to me I will try to share a little of what happened to me. All I can say right now is the world seems to be a stranger to me, I will pray for all of you — please pray I will come out of this foggy place.

continued, I Believe Because, true story

Personal Miracle Story


(Continuation of my series beginning here).  Series of why I believe in God.

The story you are about to read now written without exaggeration. For a believer, not a good idea to lie or stretch the truth; it would be equivalent to hammering the nails in the hands of Jesus. I mention this since I hope the following story will always be believed since our family miracle story is one reason I believe in God.

Years ago, my daughter, with her husband, was told they would not conceive, disappointed as they were, they chose to adopt. A miracle itself, it is challenging to adopt babies. However, they successfully adopted not one but two babies, years apart. (Not twins)

When the second child a boy, I will call Denis. Denis was healthy and loving, but after three years, we lost him. He passed away quite suddenly. (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) The couple is devasted and confused as to why God allowed this to happen, why take our child?
The sadness that followed, there are no words to describe it. My daughter grieving, asked me who she could pray to intercede for her to God. All she wanted was consolation! A reason to go on living!
I told her to pray to St. Therese of the Child Jesus because her parents lost all their male children, and St. Therese promised that she would help those still living when in her eternity. Her feast day on the Traditional Catholic calendar is Oct. 3. (Vatican II council while adapting to the world changed much of the Traditions one was the removal of some Saints, changes to the calendar of saints sometime in the ’60s.) BTW, Catholics do not worship the Saints; rather, we look to them as an example of their life. We are not praying to the dead; Catholics believe Saints are alive living their eternity.

Trying to brief this long story into a shorter version, I continue.

The family prayed a novena for a consolation to St. Therese. Shortly after that, the Vatican II religion allowed her relics; relics of St. Therese carried throughout the world in 2000, for veneration. My daughter read in the news that these holy relics were coming to a nearby Church. While there, they pressed their loved one’s picture to the relic and asked only for help to get on with their life.

Now the miracle!

Ten months later, my daughter gave birth to a boy, and to add to the joy; his birthday is on the feast day of St.Therese, Oct.3. Oct.3 on the Tradition Catholic calendar. God in heaven loves the number three. Therefore He graced her with two other children totaling three.

No one will ever take the place of our Saint-Denis, who also has answered many prayers for us. He was only three, but it is a pious belief to imagine the souls who reside in heaven are at the prime age of 33, the period Jesus Christ died for the world.

(Series why I believe in God, to be continued)


I Believe Because, true story

Common Era … what is it? Before Christ!

Continued FROM Click Here

Part 2 of Why I believe in God; the Christian God; no other. Why not believe in God; are some afraid they can’t live up to His standards? Few do! But, He forgives when we are trying. Trying is the keyword! We all believe in something why not believe in something that will reward you in the end.

Even the atheist believes in something else why glorify anything.

The readers will agree that people living in the world believe all sorts of things, from Aliens, Flat earthers, Pyramid power, the Easter bunny, Santa Clause to the Tooth fairy. Folklore, including pagan religions and so on. Why then only the Christian doctrine that the atheist/nonbelievers will object to so vehemently? The reason, found in several places written within the pages of the Bible, one such area is Luke 6:22. “Blessed shall you be when men hate you, and when they shall separate you, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.”

The atheist/nonbeliever believe in God, but won’t admit it, or they wouldn’t care what Christians think; they don’t care about other ideas, yes they may laugh and scoff but not waste any energy on them.


Why attack something so harmless as a belief unless it is accurate and they know it to be true.

In my previous post, I ended with this, “I believe because God proved what was prophesied beforehand, (Old Testament) and for over 2000 years, no one has proved otherwise.” We journey again to His time on earth and even before His time. What sort of person is this who even before He was born True happenings were recorded and happened.

How could such a man, like Jesus, born in poverty, unknown to the world, have such influence? Influence on the importance of keeping time and dates, as one example!

Anno domini Latin for A.D. (IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD,”) Words that refer to the birth of Jesus Christ. B.C. stands for “before Christ.” A.D. stands for anno domini, Latin for “in the year of the lord,” and refers specifically to the birth of Jesus Christ. “B.C.” stands for “before Christ.”

The idea to count years from the birth of Jesus Christ was first standardized under the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The system spread throughout Europe and the Christian world during the centuries that followed.

Again the nonbelievers couldn’t handle that, so they tried adopting a method known as BCE/CE since it was religious neutrality. They still can’t get away from the Before and After Christ. Since C.E., the abbreviation for “Common Era” is used to mark time in the same way. B.C. means “before Christ,” and B.C.E. stands for “Before the Common Era.” What is that COMMON ERA? It’s SUPERNATURAL! It’s GOD! Its Before Christ.

We can’t hide from Him. You can change the meaning of words or twist them; it always comes back to the beginning. The Truth!

(continued here)

I Believe Because, true story

I Believe, Because, a series

Some readers may enjoy this series; some may not, but thank you in advance for your patience. Reading here, the why of it!

Post number one of why I BELIEVE IN GOD.

Most importantly, know that God does not need us; we need Him.

He created us with this inner desire to seek Him. Most of the time, we try to fill that void with material things; we feel fulfilled for a short time until we begin to hunger again.

God wants us to be happy and gave us a rule book to be satisfied, the Ten Commandments. He wrote them in stone; they will NOT CHANGE, with the times.

Atheists like to say, if there is a God, He hates us because we suffer.

God loves order, look at the universe and His creations, if there were no God, how is it possible that nature has order. Evil loves confusion; look at what is going on today in the world. We are in a spiritual battle! God allows it because man desires not to obey Him who created us. Therefore God, like a good parent, sees us.

Parents, too, the ones who CARE. Parents depending on the child’s age will leave them alone to make their own mistakes (to learn), the younger ones a parent might remove some privilege—grounding them, taking away a treasured “whatever,” hoping to get them on the right track again. God does that also when He sees humans going in a harmful direction; He allows them what they pray for even if it leads them to mistakes. We control much of our confusion, and many times the innocent are caught up in it. Like weeding your garden, some of the good gets pulled out with the weeds. That is life!

Let us, however, start from the beginning. God in the Heaven, Father the Creator, Son the Redeemer, and Holy Ghost the guide and giver of Gifts. All Three but One God. A Mystery of our Faith! Be as little children. “And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.1 John5:7” And there are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one.”1 John 5:8

The One True God was so happy because where God resided was perfect. So perfect, they wanted to share it! It is written they said, “Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let man have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:26

Notice it is written the word “US,” plural, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Image and likeness refer to our immortal soul. Other creations had a mortal soul, in that when life was absent, the soul no longer existed.

God did not want us to be robots; He wants us to love Him. Heaven was open to us until sin came into the world.

Heaven was shut because of sin, but God the Redeemer was so willing to sacrifice, and God His Father agreed to be appeased by His willingness.

A wink of God’s eyes could have again opened the gates of Heaven, but would you have known His love, seen His example of His life in the name of Jesus, appreciated Him, and what limits your creator was willing to go for you.

Atheism says God hates us because we suffer. Study His life and see suffering, poverty, pain, misunderstanding, death. The Jewish nation, His people, never denied what is written of Him in that regard.

I believe because I prayed.

I believe because God proved what was prophesied beforehand, (Old Testament) and for over 2000 years, no one has proved otherwise.

continued here





I Believe Because

I Believe Because

Thinking of my recent followers, now, for some time, I notice several are atheistic.
I feel compelled to explain why I believe in God since many of my followers are doubters.
Thinking along these lines journeyed deep into my nature as to why I believe in God. I have always accepted, but there was a time when I doubted. It was that time in my life I wanted my will to be done; therefore, I pushed God on the back burner. I notice something was amiss in my life; it was peace, so I began to pray again. With prayer anew, daily activities resulted at the end of unrest. This END forced me to the BEGINNING of peace.

Why do I believe in God? I will write about in subsequent writings beginning with a series of posts.

Today with this post I believe, because I pray!

  1.   “I Believe Because,” a series part one. 


I Believe Because


Christmas ends, but now pre Easter season begins on the Sunday of Septuagesima which this year was last Sunday, January 28, 2018.
Although Christmas ended for the world December 26, according to the Church, it ended Saturday before Septuagesima Sunday.  We as Catholic realize this.

The dictionary defines the word “realize” this way – “to grasp or understand clearly or to make real.” We all realized the school shootings when we hear about them or the Las Vegas shooting last October. We see these horrors on the news, almost daily it seems.

Until we as an individual experience the terror, it will not become an actual realization because it will not be happening to us.

Likewise, when we hear the story of Christmas or the Passion of Christ we do believe and realize the event, but do we have a real realization of it.  Realization in this sense is a gift of God.  

Our Lady says she has many special graces to give us; few ask for them. “Ask, and you shall receive.”

Especially for the Traditionalist who believe and realize the teaching of the Eucharist there lies the hidden truth, just for the asking.


We can have this REALIZATION and have Christmas and Easter each day of our life.


Imagination being there when the King is born and seeing Him rise from the dead. What a grace!

The Living Christ is present in the Eucharist. Unity to Christ is through this sacrament. When we receive an accurate realization of this, we will run to the Blessed Sacrament, where we can talk to Jesus. Imagine speaking to Him in a way that others can not because of lack of faith. Seek a Traditional Catholic church to see the difference.

So close yet, so far away when forgetting to visit the Blessed Sacrament, we miss an opportunity to have a conversation with God and have Him all to yourself. We do realize He is there, or we wouldn’t be persevering as a Traditional Catholic, yet, the true realization seems to be missing too many times.

We need only to ask for this great grace, and we will then experience Christmas each day.