Man Plans, and God Laughs!

Question from #FPQ and it is related to his #FOWC prompt word “HELP” at least in my mind. Click here for more details.

Fandango asks! Hmmmm!

“Given the matter how much control we have over our own lives, my provocative question this week is…
Looking at your own situation, how much of your life is formed by things that are outside of your control versus things that are within your control? Please elaborate to the extent you feel comfortable.”


I live according to this adage, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.” Not to say I don’t plan, I do. Every day while sipping my coffee, I talk to God, not a formal prayer, just talk. I plan my day and end it with, “according to your Will, not mine.” Sometimes I beg, knowing that He is in charge, and of course, I always (try) depend on His HELP!

So far, looking back on my life (soon to be 82). It has been about as good as it gets — with many complications and snags. The worse of my years was between 1969 – 1982. Those were the years I did not depend on God’s HELP! I even doubted the existence of God. Like so many other Catholics, I was led right out of the Church into a new modern way of thinking. (Novus Ordo=Vatican II)

I realize I am getting away from the provocative question, so back on track, I will end by saying I now know that nothing of my life is under my control, except my daily prayer for HELP! I learned the hard way when my dependence on God was on the back burner; everything was chaos. The horror of it was, I didn’t know how disordered my life was; I only knew I was not at peace.

Prayer will always OBVIATE despair.


Today the Word is “EXCEPT”

According to the prompt

I am not an ANTI-VAXXER — EXCEPT for what they put into it!

The Vaccination, that is!

A few years ago, Dr. Theresa Deisher, a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University, the first person to discover adult cardiac derived stem cells, determined that residual human fetal DNA fragments in vaccines may be one of the causes of autism in children through vaccination.
She wrote, “It is possible that these contaminating fragments could be incorporated into a child’s genome and disrupt normal gene function, leading to autistic phenotypes.”
Since 2008, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) has been researching what is causing so many DNA breaks and mutations in children.
Addressing DNA mutations, they wrote, “Have we created the perfect storm for DNA breaks, mutations, and regressive autism in our children? In 1979 we started injecting our children with vaccines that are contaminated with human fetal DNA fragments and a retrovirus, and autism began to rise. Then we added more jabs with aborted fetal vaccines and thimerosal, which can also cause DNA breaks, to vaccines in 1988, and autism rose more. Then in 1995, we added much more aborted fetal DNA contaminants to the chickenpox vaccine, and autism really rose. And now we have children born to older dads who have sperm with very breakable DNA. Aborted fetal contaminated vaccines plus thimerosal plus older dads result in more DNA breaks, thus more de novo mutations, in our children.”
Because drugs and vaccines are too large to produce in a test tube, SCPI states they must therefore be manufactured using cell lines, and the final products contain contaminants from the cell line used to manufacture the drug or vaccine.
SCPI points out when animal cell lines are utilized, our immune systems recognize those contaminants as foreign and eliminate them from our bodies.
However, when primitive human cell lines, such as aborted fetal cell lines, are used, such contaminants have the potential to trigger autoimmune diseases or genomic instability.
SCPI stated, “When we use human fetal produced vaccines or cosmetics, we are also injecting or transferring DNA and viruses from the human fetus used to create the cell line into our bodies.”
Due to these and other findings, SCPI hopes to end human exploitation in product development.
Despite this research and the dramatic rise in autism that seems to correspond with the methods used to manufacture vaccines, NCVIA, although passed over 30 years ago, protects vaccine manufacturers from liability.
