Bloganuary, Eugi's Weekly

The Book of Wisdom

I bet walking along, alone on the beach reminds us that our life’s journey is only one way. We need the wisdom to get through it. Wisdom is the prompt for today from the beach.

Also Wisdom

The book of Wisdom is a book within the Catholic Bible in the Latin tradition, a book that is omitted (among seven others) from the Protestant Bible. It is known as the Wisdom of Solomon. It also contains many prophecies of Christ’s coming, passion, resurrection, and other Christian mysteries.

One favorite quote of mine is from the book of Wisdom Chapter 1, verse 4
“For wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul, nor dwell in a body subject to sins.”

The Bible quote above explains much about today’s politicians throughout the world.

Don’t miss the following other prompt details below:

Looking today at what bloggers everywhere are paying attention notice that

Some other favorite quotes of mine are below because the make sense to me!
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
― Socrates

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect)."
― Mark Twain

Eugi's Weekly, Only 6Sentence

Simple a Six Sentence recipe

Today with the inspiration by 6sentence, the prompt being the word "juice."  Next time you make jello, do this for delicious harmony!

Instead of the 2 cups of hot water and two cups of cold water, please change it to 2 cups of hot water as instructed, but only one cup of NOT WATER, but juice.  For example, strawberry or any red jello use strawberry or any red juice; even apple juice mixed with any flavored jello is my favorite. 

Instead of juice, you can even add a can of cola, coke to equal that one cup; YOUve HEARD OF CHERRY COKE, try cherry jello and cola.  The trick is to use not 4 cups of water but only three to make the jello firmer =AND TASTIER! 


"Who can declare the order of the heavens, or who can make the harmony of heaven to sleep?" (Job 38;37)

Back in time, Bloganuary, Eugi's Weekly

Building Stuff

I remember well, either my parent would not or could not buy them for me, so I saved my money. Little by little; I still remember walking into the toy store, the store I would often stare at this toy within the window display. How I wanted these so much! I was about 10 years old back in the 50s; my desire was to own these plastic bricks.

Believe it or not, I still have these blocks presently. The round box they came in is long gone but I found this image on the Internet today. Mine are also all white with longer red blocks (coping) to finish my creation/house. The coping blocks in my set are red not green as shown in the below image.

Yes, I still have most of them, however, my grandchildren will not play with them the way I would, they prefer the modern Legos.

Eugi's Weekly, Only 6Sentence

Sixth Sense we all have it!

Six sentences have specified “charm,” prompting us to write relating to its allure.
Beware, and learn from my mistakes, the evil one can be most charming, and this charm is deceitful, part of his lure.
His bait to lure you into his camp, without you even realizing it. Many people are sincerely appealing; getting to know a person very well before you trust them entirely is my advice. Take it from an older person, your choice, PROMISE yourself to heed, observe, and above all pray.
Have faith and trust God, who has provided us with instinct, some call it a sixth sense, use it!

Eugi's Weekly

Me — Myself — and I

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Bouquet – Sept. 16, 2021


A Short Story to entertain! Titled: Me – Myself – and I

A party for me, myself and I, with beautiful decorations, are planned. Beautiful Bouquets will be placed here and there, along with ribbons and bows.

I love presents, and I hope I get lots and lots of gifts. Flowers too!
I am so excited! After all, it is my special day!

I need a new dress, and I hope I have a good hair day! I think I will put a bouquet of pins in my hair. I have such lovely hair, I want to show it off.

Finally, the day arrived, and everyone was coming! Everyone that I invited, that is.
I, I, and I nothing else seems important than what I want.

The sound of the doorbell ringing was music to my ears, each time, it meant a new gift for me.
The presents were all neatly stacked around the decorative bouquets, but one of them was rather strange because it was round in shape. Oh well! I wondered! Round is good. It has no end!
Upon opening the gifts and tossing them from right to left, she grabbed that box very brightly wrapped with a circular form.
What kind of gift is this, a box without a bottom? Putting her hand into the package, it seemed to go down as far as she could reach; she stretched her arm but felt nothing. Raising her hand as she reached for the card; the card, she neglected to read, it said: Stop reaching DOWN to SELF, reach UP to find your BOUQUET from God.

Eugi's Weekly, Word Prompts

A very scary short story — right here!

Oh my! I have been reading here on WordPress who have confessed their blogs have evolved; let me add mine to the list.
First, being introduced to prompts/challenges, and then poetry; now, I am having great fun writing short stories.

Shadows caught my imagination

Adding to the eerieness, the electricity ceased, while shadows caught my imagination off guard; being home alone at this time was quite unnerving!

Howling like a wounded Coyote, I heard the wind plunge against the house; the trees LEANed against the fence.

I jumped! I knew to keep calm is easier said than done.


Like a shot, the rain stopped. A few moments later, the front door opened, a voice said, “anything new.”


I replied, “just another boring day, mom.”

Eugi's Weekly, Photo For the Week

A LIFETIME of WAITING … who needs it?

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Swirling – March 25, 2021

By Eugenia

Stop Swirling Around like a whirlpool

Is life going too fast for you!

Is it any wonder why good stories begin with “Once upon a Time.”

A tip of slowing time if you think it’s going too fast. Watch the clock while anxious for it to reach the top of the hour to start your action. Or stand in the kitchen, not moving, waiting for the water to boil, suddenly it begins to swirl, bubble while swirling into a fury.

Time is life, don’t waste it. Stop the wait stop the fury! Stop allowing your mind to spin and swirl with hopes and desires that may never come your way. Instead, either relax and pray for that peace of soul, accept what blessings you have. In other words, Stop waiting for it to happen either make it happen or move on. Before you know it, life will end, and so will your waiting.

My husband, who passed away eight years ago, would often say. ” If you can do something, do it, or if you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry.”

“Pray and don’t worry,” a motto of Padre Pio. He, through an act of God, Padre Pio being blessed with stigmata, thereby provoking both interest and controversy as most miracles are often questioned. I have adopted his motto, “Pray and don’t worry,” my rule of life because it works!

Eugi's Weekly, poetry, Supernatural Reality

The Video that inspired a Poem

Thank you Eugenia for the inspiration!

This jewel of a short video came across my feed today.

Why wouldn’t God create with His signature?
Taking those numbers ( if you watched the video,) I attempted to write a poem with a syllable count of 10 – 5 – 6 – 5,
using four lines.

The world and we shouldn’t be surprised to see
His signature blazed
He the Master Builder!
Why are you amazed?

Eugi's Weekly

The Mystery of LIFE

Today, Monday, October 5, Eugi’s Weekly offers us an interesting PROMPT, designed to inspire! The word MYSTICAL, a creative writing is in order. Mine below is a form of poetry known as Haibun with Haiku. Click here to join

“Time,” time is mystical in the sense of its meaning. What is TIME?
Past, Present, and Future three in one a trinity!
The present NOW
The future TO COME
Reminds me of another Trinty, Father, the Creator of all; past!
Son, the Redeemer of all, presently now on earth we know, love, and serve Him while the Holy Ghost guides us to Heaven’s future home. Indeed, this is mystical and a mystery of our Faith.

Our time now look, seek
Mystery of Truth to find
Mystical glaring

Eugi's Weekly, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

He has the Whole World in His HANDS

Looking at the cheat sheet over at Colleen’s site I thought I would try two different forms of poetry. The first form is called a Crapsey cinquain with a syllable count of 2/4/6/8/2. Read below:

Night Sky
Look up, not down
Dark yet bright, the moon glows!
Supernatural is waiting
For you!


The second form from Colleen’s site is a 26 syllables with no set rhyme scheme. It is a syllabic poem with a meter of 3/5/3/3/7/5 the form is a Shadorma, my attempt is read here:

The Night Sky
Look up, never down
High so low
Birds can pierce!
Gleaming Stars Lightning showing

The Whole World in His Hand

Also this post of mine would fit, I believe, with another challenge by Eugi’s COSMOS. Thanks you Eugi’s Causerie.

Eugi's Weekly

Try this, when the LEAVES BEGIN TO FALL!


Frank J. Tassone

The Falling of the Leaves

The time is now! Why?
Because it’s time for a change;
Not an end! Instead
Time for skeleton leaves fun!
Now fun begins time is now.

Search the web for instructions
Eugi's Weekly, Weekend Writing Prompt


Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “Transition” August 24, 2020


Pondering on a phrase I heard in an old black and white movie I watched on Youtube recently. “The end only means a new beginning.” TRANSITION for lack of a better word.

At birth, the beginning of life created body and soul. Even when the body dies, it is the beginning of new life for our soul. Believe it or not! Time will tell! Eternity?  HandOfGod

As we mature, each birthday ends a year but begins a new year.
We as children graduate from school ending, but beginning an adult life.
Let’s look at the little things we do. Our workday ends, relaxation begins.
We fall asleep only to awake to the beginning of a new day.

There is an end to the “temporal” of this world. A movie; ends! Read a book until the end! Music ends! Our pets, plants their life ends! Why?
Because these things only pertain to the present life of this world. They are temporary, not eternal. Their souls are mortal, not immortal, as endless.

dVerse, Eugi's Weekly

As Night meets Day, the Battle!

At midnight, we begin a new day, although dark as night always is.
Time continues to tick-tock, minutes pass, we sleep. Tossing and turning, we await Twilight— the battle approaches, Twilight —  the time that gets in the way of darkness. At last! Sunrise to announce the winner, Dawn!
All this unknown — we sleep! We dream while angels watch!

Peep, peep, sing, sing a little bird, have woken our sleepy eyes, and night has met a new day. Our sleepytime over when it is over said and done it was a time, and there was never enough of it. A new day what will it bring? I wonder!

Happiness is that first cup of coffee!

Inspired by Eugi’s WeeklyPrompt
Eugi's Weekly, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Poetry in August

Two of my favorite challengers in one post

Colleen’s 2020 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge, AND

ta-da ♫ … Eugi’s Weekly Prompt, this week “AUGUST

Thank you for viewing my Tanka Poem about the Month of August.


Flowers still blooming
Four more months until Christmas
My daughter’s birthday
August 15 Holy Day
What’s not to like in August


August 15th Holy Day of Assumption