Cee's challenge, Whatsoever IS

Whatsoever is Lovely

This is my second time participating in this fairly new challenge known as:

Whatsoever is Lovely”

What Might be Lovelier than this!

Okay, I admit I am biased, this lovely is one of my many Grandchildren!

There have been many lovelies in my life this week. I bet you too have at least one or two to share with the world. This is the place to do just that. Click the link above, near the top of this post.

Also linking up to Flower of the Day for Cee

Cee's challenge, FSS

Santa Clause meets Fandango

See Fandango’s Story Starter to join in!

I knew he had already arrived at the rendezvous point because I could see the groups of children waiting in line for Santa Clause to hear their desires and present them with one delicious candy cane of their choice.
The choice was either red, white, or blue. Why? Because he was a very patriotic Santa. His suit was bright red, while his beard was pure white, his big bag of toys was quite bumpy and quite blue.

Cee’s Color of my flag challenge
Cee's challenge

How About this!

An angel a day keeps the devil at bay!

Cee’s Photo Challenge

Sometimes I like to play, play around with my photo editor, that is!

Not knowing what I am doing is the greatest of fun, just upload an image, and start pressing buttons, this is what I came up with today!

Whirling like an Angel

Take an image, a photo editor and create an Angel!

Marsha too! Is an angel!

Cee's challenge

A Truly Fun Foto group — CFFC

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge Also known as CFFC


My contribution with my images below:

Here comes the sun do, do, do

Here Comes the Sun

And I say it’s all right

And I say it’s all right

Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter

#WQWWC, Cee's challenge

Multiple Challenges are fun to do!

Perhaps I will be successful with several challenges today, all in one. Sort of like “one size fits all.”

First the FLOWER OF THE DAY also known as FOTD

Sometimes the things we take for granted are the most beautiful!


Everyone is climbing a tree this month a square tree in fact, thank you Becky!

A Tree Squared for your viewing below

Found this tree in one of the beautiful camp sites here in Spokane.

I call this The Holy Tree, I like holy things!
Second view

NEXT now that we noticed a Pine blossom climbed a tree, let’s all relax next to the trees.

Relax, relax! ♫
Cee's challenge

Anyone for images of Landscapes and/or Fields


Anytime I want to find a place for great pictures I just walk around the acres of land near and through Mount St. Michael, a Traditional Catholic parish, here in Spokane.

Turkeys run wild all around the Mount, here is a capture I took with their family and friends.

Hey! Conservatives, don’t let the turkeys get you down! (the devil made me say that!)

Next my landscape, also within the park-like grounds of Mount St. Michael, inviting all to browse the mysterious path to who knows what is beyond the gateway!

Don’t stop yet, see below: While I was there I also found this odd, bumpy humpy tree near the gym, at Mount St. Michael, I squared it off for the TreeSquare challenge running here on WordPress.

Cee's challenge


A Flower of the Day post just for YOU or FOTD!

The Story below:

Last week I dusted off my Canon RebelT2i camera and tried again to capture a Hummingbird in flight. Getting bored while waiting for the Hummer to fly by, I decided to try and freeze water drops in flight flowing over my garden plants using my water hose. I was anxious to check the settings on my camera for action shots.
Much to my surprise, I captured this image of water flowing over the leaves and enjoyed the result, seen below.
Since Cee allows leaves on her FOTD challenge, here it is!

Cee's challenge

Optical Illusion to go along with all the Fake News

While looking through my myriad of images stored on my computer, as you all have!

FOUND — photo of my drawing!

While hoping to find something to enter this interesting challenge titled CBWC Any Kind of Geometrical by Cee’s Photo Challenges. I found this old drawing of mine a few years back when I was trying to create an optical illusion of depth, on a flat piece of drawing paper. Thinking it might be of interest to others with shades and shapes on a flat paper I posted it!

Instructions of the illusion can be found on YouTube in several places. Perhaps Cee might be inspired to run such a challenge of creating illusion someday. I would do it myself but I don’t have that large of followers to make it successful. How about it Cee? I challenge you to my suggestion.


Cee's challenge

The Shadow on the Wall

From my nearby statue:

According to Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge

This week the topic is Shadows and there is no specific topic.  Feel free to use your photo archives and see what photos you have that fits the current week’s challenge, or even better yet grab your camera and take a new photo!  ENJOY and have FUN.

My photo below:


Cee's challenge, Uncategorized

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge

When I saw the word VIBRANT associated with art, I immediately thought of a painting that I created with Alcohol Ink; here below is my vibrant image and the link to a video if anyone is interested in learning about alcohol ink.     Join the fun here!




Just one of many videos to introduce the readers here:

Cee's challenge, Just Because

Where do I fit in?

The post is my acceptance of Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge.

My certainly Odd Ball Photo, one day I tossed a rubber band aside it landed near my glasses and later I noticed all it needed was a mouth.  Tra La I wrought a funny face.

I am kind of silly that way, which is why my husband, when he was alive, said he loved me for it since he was so reserved.  Opposites do attract.

My #COB Titled:  “Where do I fit in?”



Cee's challenge, Photo Challenge

The Beauty of an Archway

Word Origin & History of the word “ARCH.”
c.1300, from Old French arche “arch of a bridge” (12c.), from Latin arcus “a bow” (see arc). Replaced native bow (n.1). Originally architectural in English; transferred by early 15c. To anything having this form (eyebrows, etc.).

Showing off a few interpretations of photographs I found in my private archives of images I took on Church property here in Washington State.
The first two are self-explanatory while the third one is an archway touching a path along with another image I was experiencing with; overlaying my vintage painting of kissing ghosts while hoping love for each other carries over to eternity.
Why am I posting these images of semicircles, curvatures of arches?
Because Cee is asking for them this week; click here.    Also, it offers me a chance to show off my Traditional Catholic Church.




Cee's challenge

Share God’s World

This week from Share Your World – May 28, 2018, I chose to answer question number four, if YOU would like to participate please click  HERE for other questions how you can share your world. My image with words are below:
“What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week? Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination.” 

I love to feed and care for God’s creatures, as He cares for me.  ♥




What a find, my smile
in my backyard — What a joy
precious birds waiting