Carrot Ranch

I Would Rather be! in 99-words

People are funny that way!
Noticing now in my prime,
when dreaming of what they would rather be doing.
The youth often thinks of something in the future—middle
age thinks of something in the present, and the very elderly
think of the past.
If I were ten, I would rather be swimming.
If I were sixteen, I would rather be flirting with the boys.
If I were thirty or forty, I would rather be on my vacation.
If I were sixty, I would rather be retired
If I were eighty-one or older, I would rather be done.

Carrot Ranch

Zip it up! Be Happy! Dance!

For the benefit of Carrot Ranch, an inspiration.

A 99-Word True Story to be told!


Waking up today, a little sad remembering Valentine's Day,  I would find a big box of candy, but he is gone now, living still but high in the heavens;  looking for something to cheer me, I found *   cherished happiness right here on UTube.  Music meant for me!

It's called "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah."  Even that title of song frolics with joy, don't you agree?  It speaks of a Wonderful day with a Bluebird on our shoulder.  The song goes on to say that everything is satisfaction!  There is plenty of Sunshine, and we all need that to melt the Winter away.   ♫

*Cherished Word of the Day Challenge linked above

Carrot Ranch

Fools Gold

Rules from Carrot Ranch if you want to join, I hope you do.

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about “GOLD, the gold rush history, adventure.” Let the prompt lead you! 49ers???

I had to do some research on my own to see if anything was of interest to me. I must have been absent from school that day this subject was taught in class. Much to my surprise, I discovered some strange behaviors from Mr. Stutter.

My 99 words story below:


A young mother was surprised to see her son captivated by schoolwork, particularly one book. “What’s going on, son?”

Looking up from his book, the child said, “Reporting on the California gold rush, everyone seems to admire this guy Sutter, but when you read his life story, I wonder why?”  

Pointing to the book, he said, “See here, read one of Sutter’s quotes, ‘The Indians began to be troublesome all around me, killing and wounding cattle, stealing horses, and threatening to attack us. I was obliged to make campaigns against them and punish them!’ It sounds like fools gold.”

Carrot Ranch

I Wish I Could

Meanwhile back at the ranch

There’s a whole lot of wishing going on

Rules from Carrot Ranch if you want to join, I hope you do, JOIN!

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about “the wish I made.” Whose wish is it and how does it fit into the story? What kind of wish? Go where the prompt leads!


"I wish I knew "How To."
"How to what?" said the voice of a friend.
"How to anything; I can't do anything expertly well."
"I can't draw, paint, or even write a little poem."
"I wish I could be a famous author; I will settle for a not famous author."
"I wish I wasn't such a scoffer."
"If only I had a daughter, I would sit her down and draw her."
The friend's voice became very loud; "see, your wish came true, you're making poems just by speaking, you are an author, you just didn't know it."
"I am?"  
Carrot Ranch

Free Will Choice we all have one

Still time to enter your 99-word story at Carrot Ranch —

October 7, 2021, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes whispers. It can be beautiful or creepy and any genre. Where are the whispers, who are they from, and what do they say if they say anything at all. Go where the prompt leads!

Respond by October 12, 2021

Shhhh! Quiet, don’t say a word; listen now.
Be very still and with your mind; ask HIM!
Feel the calmness, the peace;
you can almost hear the whisper.
“Here I am.” It speaks. Give ear to the whisper.
The voice that says, “come!”
The battle begins, the distractions, our mind wanders, and we all know why; next, we hear that eerie, dark, sinister voice, shaky almost sing-song. We listen, we hear the call to our mind the word…M I N E!
Forgetting that peaceful moment, we wake and carry on with the voice that called us to them. MINE!

Carrot Ranch

Short Story to Rouse your Imagination

Across the Water

Arriving finally at the shore of a large lake, the children were excited. “We can see all the way across the water,” they said!
“Look, see that home. It looks so tall and scary.”

“There is a footpath, and we can walk all around the lake to the other side; what an adventure. We will pack a lunch and go tomorrow.”

They followed the path the next day; within a few hours, they were in front of that large home, now looking across the water to where they came.

“Look! Across the water, there is that scary house again!”

Carrot Ranch

and The Winner Is — in 99-words!

The Daily Spur prompt is BLACK; go for it!

Fun and action found at the Carrot Ranch where …

September 16, 2021, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about a Big Black Horse. It can be a horse, a metaphor or an interpretation of KT Tunstall’s “Big Black Horse and a Cherry Tree.” Go where the prompt leads!

Respond by September 21, 2021

One day not too long ago, a black horse was galloping through the forest.
Stopping suddenly because he heard a cherry tree speaking to its neighbor, the apple tree.  "My fruit is much sweeter than yours,"
"You think so," said the apple tree! The apple tree continued,  "have you not heard it was the luscious allure of the apple that resulted in the fall of mankind."
"That is just a fairy tale," said the cherry tree.

"Is it?" The apple tree came back with an assertive voice.

The horse voiced, "even if a tale, the author chooses the apple."

Carrot Ranch

Hungry or not here I come!

The 99-word story above was inspired by something delicious cooking up at Carrot Ranch!

A tasty story Titled “More or Less

“Deciding what recipe to donate for the recipe book; while encouraged to give our very best!”
“My opinion, share your mother’s muffin-tins “tatoe-bacon” recipe, and while your add it, whip a batch for the freezer for an occasional snack.”
“Good idea, since the ingredients are not written in stone, more like less of this and more of that, I’ll note the measurements.”
Mix 1lb of hash brown frozen shredded potatoes
one grated onion
one cup bacon bits
two cans evaporated milk
three eggs
1/2 cup of flour
salt and pepper to taste
pour into muffin-tins bake at 375

Carrot Ranch

Just Fitting In — Mother knows best!

Today I posted about fitting in. We believe we will be happiest if we can only fit in, like the grass is greener on the other side. But is it?

My theme sort of fits in with the theme on Carrot Ranch today. Sort of but not exactly!

Mother Teaches by Myrna Migala

“Mom, Dad look and see that house you often admired its yard. It’s for sale! You would often say the grass was ever so green.”

“Yes, dear, but the grass always looks greener on the other side.”

“Huh, what does that mean?”

“It means some people are never satisfied with their own lives and wish for what they should not desire. They even believe that God makes mistakes.” Mother continues. “When/if they arrive on the greener grass, they might find out where they were was the best fit after all. Always trying to fit in can be boring.”

Just trying to fit in

Carrot Ranch

Short Story only 99-words

The 99-word story above was inspired by a picture prompt; click here to see the image that inspired my story.  

"Hum ho hum another day!"  Waking one Sunday, Rosabella Smith was getting up to attend Church.  She looked into the mirror and thought, Rosabella Smith, you are getting old, but you do look good today. 
Inspecting her collection of clothes, she dressed thinking, that was easy, no pain today, Rosabella?  Those new vitamin supplements I took must be working.

As Rosabella sat down, a priest began the announcements ... with sorrow  "I am sad to inform that one of our long-timers, Miss Rosabella Smith died peacefully last night during her sleep. Cemetery arrangements are to be announced later today. 
Carrot Ranch

Do Pigs Fly — 99 word short story

Here we are again, time to visit Carrot Ranch, I am beginning to feel at home there!

The challenge — Well come and see, what can YOU write with only 99 words. Please see what I wrote!


The day! An excellent turnout if Miss Suzi Qque had anything to do with arrangements. Everything flawless, decorations to the menu.

These ten women had something to celebrate! What was it? A party to rejoice after they worked hard to lose 50 lbs.

The mascot chosen for laughs and keep them on their guard. A pig!

Pigs were the center of the decor; a tasty treat to nibble on was pigs in a blanket, a dish consisting of sausages wrapped in pancakes.

These women also had a catchy slogan, “Do we miss those 50 pounds? Do pigs fly?” NO!

Carrot Ranch

Ode to the Sandman

Carrot Ranch always has an interesting prompt and I almost missed this one. Details In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the phrase, “stars in the sand.” Your story can be any genre (or poem) and can use realism or fantasy. It’s a dreamy prompt. Go where the it leads!

99 Word STORY begins on


One day in the home of a happy family, the tiny little boy asked his mommy!  "Where was I before I was born?"

"Oh dear, you were the twinkle in daddy's eye."

"Like stars?"

"Yes!  Like stars."

"Wow!" He kept saying as he excitedly ran to tell all his friends.
After a few days had gone by, he woke up rubbing his eyes on one fine sunny morning and noticed some sleepy particles on his fingers.

"Mommy, mommy, look and see the sandman came last night to visit me.
"I do hope he put some stars in the sand."

Carrot Ranch

What If — in 99 words

Carrot Ranch  Go where the prompt leads! This one was very challenging! Try it here!

My little story in 99 words as titled above.


“Mom, what if?”

“What if what child, speak your question!”

“I was thinking, what if I woke up and there wasn’t any internet, no phone connections either? I was thinking too, what the world would be like, if it remained that way, without anything to do? What if mom, what if?”

“Well, child, I suppose you would do what I did and especially what your grandparents did?”

“What was that?”

“We made noise, we giggled, laugh and sang as loud as we could! We formed clubs and played games till the street lights outside came on.
If only again!”

Carrot Ranch

A Short WHO DONE IT story!

Carrot Ranch and the prompt IS write a story about an open door in 99 words (no more, no less), It can be literal or metaphorical. What is behind the door? Who is seeking and why? As the writer, how will you manage the discovery? Go where the prompt leads!

My story is meant to be imaginative while arising suspense.


“Why should I believe, as you say, did not do it!

“Because I didn’t do it; I was on the other side of town when it happened, which is an hour away.”

“Yes, to drive only take minutes.”

“I walked, so don’t blame me.”

“I know it was you.

“Prove it!”

“I awoke, ran to the window, noticed the door was closed, a short time later the door was opened. Who opened the door? Minutes later, it was there; so were you. You did it!

“Did not!”

“That birthday cake for me just didn’t appear; you put it there.”


Carrot Ranch, Politics

If your easily Offended don’t read this!

If you love carrots don’t miss this challenge at the CARROT RANCH! Ninety-nine words  – 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the word meltdown. The rules are use it to describe an event or emotional reaction. You can create a new meaning or explore the word origin. You can Go where the prompt leads! Respond by July 20, 2021. That is what I did, (create a new meaning) Why not – those in power are doing it, creating new meanings.

Carrot Ranch is located here, click!


Below please find a few words to add to the new glossary; words to conform with the New Order of things. The New World Order, they call it.

“Misinformation” today means anything Democrats don’t like.
“Racist” means today anything said, the Democrats disagree.
“He or she” is illegal pronouns today because the liberals say so!
“Censorship” is anything that infringes on their rights.
“Offended” means hurry unfriend them sooner than later.
There are also a few new words not in the dictionary, such as
“Antifa” – “vax”!
“Meltdown”; oops, I’m at my 99 words; see picture below for definition.

Carrot Ranch

Let’s Paint a Picture

This picture below I am about to paint using my watercolor palette of soft pastels PLUS WORDS.

Painting with words in the poetic form of the Double Ennead comprises five lines with a syllable count of 6/5/11/6/5, (33 SYLLABLES per stanza) 3 STANZAS EACH = 99 SYLLABLES, NO MORE, NO LESS! Punctuation and rhyme schemes are optional and up to the poet.

Meet me at the SALOON!

Dreamy pastels await
Color palette grab
Listen, hear now the soft pinks calling, melting
Away like sweet butter
Frosting on a cake!

Turning shades of blue to
Creamy violet
Eyes close tight —Imagine a vision, picture
A fantasy, magic
A painting finished!

Winter delight so warm
Whites seem to vanish
Seemingly Sinks into the deep freeze below
That image born within
Heaven far away!

Carrot Ranch

As the River Flows

A prompt that creates tears to flow as a river is described here for the interested brought to my attention by reading Colleens site today! Thank you Colleen!

January 28, 2021, prompt: In 99 syllables/words (no more, no less), write a story about life as a river of consciousness. I tried a Double Ennead as Colleen’s Contribution. To participate, here’s the link:  CARROT RANCH I also wrote the same in the requested 99 word (no more, no less) prompt.

My Double Ennead

Child is born, parents with
high hopes, their baby
a sprinkle grows — a world pulls child into it.
growing while still flowing
began a small stream

Gravity pulls it down
moving toward an
ocean of eternity. Banking down — down!
the river’s future with
twists and turns, the bends

The land around is life!
with uphill climbs or
easy low valley flows —rolling from a height
with ups downs. Life, that gift
ends — Begins Again!

My 99 word story

A child is born, parents have high hopes, small as a sprinkle, and grows as the world pulls the child into it.
Growing and flowing began a small stream. Gravity pulls it down, moving toward an ocean of eternity. Banking, down to the river’s future. The twists and turns, the bends. The land around is life! Changing from an uphill climb to a comfortable flow in a low valley. Life as a river flowing from height, beginning down through the world. Ups, downs, twists, bends. Life, a gift — a river that someday will end. Ends — or begins again?

Carrot Ranch

The Christmas Angel—flash-fiction challenge

The children were excited; tomorrow was Christmas!
The tradition, to catch their Christmas angel.

Imagine now the little ones jumping up and down, rolling all around, trying to catch their angel.
The tiniest of all jumped so high while clasping his hand and shouted, “I caught mine!”

Holding his hands together with a big smile, being careful not to let the angel escape.

Minutes passed by, and as he watched the other children leaping with joy, his big brown eyes widened; looking at his hand, still holding tight, he turned to his grandmother, “please, do you have a cage?”

inspired by Carrot Ranch