true story

My Christmas Tree for all to SEE!

My Christmas tree is up! All decorated with handmade ornaments by myself and rosaries I have collected over the many years of my life. Broken chains, missing beads, and most of all, the Crosses were lost, AND it took me three days to repair the rosaries, so many; several were left to me when my mother passed away, several I found at garage sales, and most were mine all worn out. Yet they are all fixed TODAY and happily hanging on my Christmas tree, waiting as I am waiting for the celebration of the birth of our Redeemer.

God is so good; it is His birthday, yet we get the gifts; the greatest gift is knowing Him who became a man like us—living not in luxury but poverty to teach us what is essential in this life and what is not.  

I love Christmas; that was the day I met my husband when I was 17 years old.

Before I met him, when I was a young girl, I would ask God to give me a special Christmas gift as the day came closer, not knowing He would, the following Christmas 1997.  

What makes Christmas GRAND is that we all recognize it: atheists, non-Christians, children, and the elderly. That is the POWER OF GOD!

The word Christmas originally meant Christ’s Mass. I remembered back in 2015, a war against the word “Christmas.” Even the stores were trying to change it to Happy Holiday, but they lost. It is what it is, CHRISTMAS!  They CAN NOT; WILL NOT ever remove God!  

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