Only 6Sentence

Impossible — NOT!

Today I begin again, looking at the challenges, stopping at the Six Sentence prompt encourging to write about the word GUIDE. When I see that word, I immediately think of the HOLY TRINITY!


It is impossible to explain the Trinity in six sentences, nor with all the words in the dictionary because it can't be explained; it is FAITH!

Only ONE GOD, but Three Person, entirely in agreement, but each has a purpose.  God the Father is the Creator, God the Son, the Redeemer, and the Holy Ghost is our GUIDE.

If you ask, the Holy Ghost He will definitely guide you to the Truth, not because I say so, but because God says so, "Ask and you shall receive."

Thinking about the mystery of the Trinity, speaking for myself, boggles my mind; however, the idea of not being able to rationalize this mystery keeps me humble; God loves the lowly and hates the proud. 

I love a good mystery, and the mystery of the Trinity is worth thinking about because in heaven, we won't need FAITH; we will know!

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