Weekend Writing Prompt

Is There a Fork in Your Road?

Decisions, decisions if you truly can’t decide, why not stop and pray to the only One True God. Try it, you might be surprised.

Who is the One True God? Who showed us how to carry our cross, who lived a life of humility. Who but God could rise from the dead, and no one, not even the Jews in His day denied it. Humility; fighting for Truth.

Inspired by https://weeklyprompts.com/2021/11/27/weekly-prompts-weekend-challenge-fork-in-the-road/

RFK Jr. Sends Out Urgent Message on the New World Order: “This Is Armageddon. This Is the Final Battle. We Need To Win” (VIDEO)

3 thoughts on “Is There a Fork in Your Road?”

  1. I had a look at the video but I hadn’t a clue what they were talking about, it sounded nonsensical, was it a send-up of some sort? Maybe it’s because I’m not American, so I ended up switching it off before it finished.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The video was very short, too bad you could not listen but that is the problem. People do not want to listen to what really is going on in the world. The fork in the road is a decision to either just go along with whatever the media feeds you or pray to love the Truth and pray to know the Truth. That was the sense of the video.
      I love your challenges keep up the good work, they make me and others something to think about.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It wasn’t made clear what they were referring to and the man on the right didn’t make a lot of sense, he appeared to be rambling. Were they referring to a war torn country? The effects of climate change? The global Pandemic?

        Anyway, I’m sorry I didn’t understand it.
        I’m glad you enjoy the challenges. Thank you for joining us Myrna 🙂


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