Fandango Flashback, true story

Flashback from exactly One Year from today

Fantango’s Flashback challenge he asks below on his page.

Wouldn’t you like to expose your newer readers to some of your earlier posts that they might never have seen? Or remind your long term followers of posts that they might not remember? Each Friday I will publish a post I wrote on this exact date in a previous year.

From one year ago I posted this:

Personal Miracle Story
August 27, 2020
Myrna Migala


  Series of why I believe in God.

The story you are about to read now written without exaggeration. For a believer, not a good idea to lie or stretch the truth; it would be equivalent to hammering the nails in the hands of Jesus. I mention this since I hope the following story will always be believed since our family miracle story is one reason I believe in God.

Years ago, my daughter, with her husband, was told they would not conceive, disappointed as they were, they chose to adopt. A miracle itself, it is challenging to adopt babies. However, they successfully adopted not one but two babies, years apart. (Not twins)

When the second child a boy, I will call Denis. Denis was healthy and loving, but after three years, we lost him. He passed away quite suddenly. (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) The couple is  devastated  and confused as to why God allowed this to happen, why take our child?
The sadness that followed, there are no words to describe it. My daughter grieving, asked me who she could pray to intercede for her to God. All she wanted was consolation! A reason to go on living!
I told her to pray to St. Therese of the Child Jesus because her parents lost all their male children, and St. Therese promised that she would help those still living when in her eternity. Her feast day on the Traditional Catholic calendar is Oct. 3. (Vatican II council while adapting to the world changed much of the Traditions one was the removal of some Saints, changes to the calendar of saints sometime in the ’60s.) BTW, Catholics do not worship the Saints; rather, we look to them as an example of their life. We are not praying to the dead; Catholics believe Saints are alive living their eternity.

Trying to brief this long story into a shorter version, I continue.

The family prayed a novena for a consolation to St. Therese. Shortly after that, the Vatican II religion allowed her relics; relics of St. Therese carried throughout the world in 2000, for veneration. My daughter read in the news that these holy relics were coming to a nearby Church. While there, they pressed their loved one’s picture to the relic and asked only for help to get on with their life.

Now the miracle!

Ten months later, my daughter gave birth to a boy, and to add to the joy; his birthday is on the feast day of St.Therese, Oct.3. Oct.3 on the Tradition Catholic calendar. God in heaven loves the number three. Therefore He graced her with two other children totaling three.

No one will ever take the place of our Saint-Denis, who also has answered many prayers for us. He was only three, but it is a pious belief to imagine the souls who reside in heaven are at the prime age of 33, the period Jesus Christ died for the world.

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