Cee's challenge


A Flower of the Day post just for YOU or FOTD!

The Story below:

Last week I dusted off my Canon RebelT2i camera and tried again to capture a Hummingbird in flight. Getting bored while waiting for the Hummer to fly by, I decided to try and freeze water drops in flight flowing over my garden plants using my water hose. I was anxious to check the settings on my camera for action shots.
Much to my surprise, I captured this image of water flowing over the leaves and enjoyed the result, seen below.
Since Cee allows leaves on her FOTD challenge, here it is!

1 thought on “As the WATER FALLS!”

  1. Great results. These are always fun photos to capture! Was this manual focus or auto focus ? I find that even tho I primarily shoot manual focus, then doing these auto seems to help me. 😊


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