Eugi's Weekly, Photo For the Week

A LIFETIME of WAITING … who needs it?

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Swirling – March 25, 2021

By Eugenia

Stop Swirling Around like a whirlpool

Is life going too fast for you!

Is it any wonder why good stories begin with “Once upon a Time.”

A tip of slowing time if you think it’s going too fast. Watch the clock while anxious for it to reach the top of the hour to start your action. Or stand in the kitchen, not moving, waiting for the water to boil, suddenly it begins to swirl, bubble while swirling into a fury.

Time is life, don’t waste it. Stop the wait stop the fury! Stop allowing your mind to spin and swirl with hopes and desires that may never come your way. Instead, either relax and pray for that peace of soul, accept what blessings you have. In other words, Stop waiting for it to happen either make it happen or move on. Before you know it, life will end, and so will your waiting.

My husband, who passed away eight years ago, would often say. ” If you can do something, do it, or if you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry.”

“Pray and don’t worry,” a motto of Padre Pio. He, through an act of God, Padre Pio being blessed with stigmata, thereby provoking both interest and controversy as most miracles are often questioned. I have adopted his motto, “Pray and don’t worry,” my rule of life because it works!

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