#WQWWC, dVerse

My Letter to God

My post today is combining two inspirations from our popular Marsha Always Write and dVerse introduction with Verse Epistle (poetic letter;} my letter can be read near the bottom of this post, you can’t miss!

Quotes on family 

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” -Helen Keller

with your family in the beautiful land of life!” -Albert Einstein

There are evil people today who want to destroy the family. We must not allow their narrative to rule. You know who and what they are!

Families are gifts from God, a mother, father, and if God blessed you with little ones, take care of their souls and bodies. Perhaps it was God’s blessings and His will that a loving couple adopts.

Four adopted grandchildren are a vital force within my family. I love them, and they, in turn, give love. I often wonder what life would be without them for all of us.  

From the Bible, we read in Mark chapter 10, verse 6:  

“But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife. And they two shall be in one flesh. Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh.” 

Below I am inspired by dVerse suggestion to write a poetic letter; my attempt at the Verse Epistle

Letter to God,  
Dear Master, did I ever thank you for my family?
Whatever would I do without this gift from you?
It is true they keep me quite busily.

My mother would often say when children are young, they step on your toes; when older, they step on your heart. Isn't that what we all do to you? Did I ever say sorry? Thank you for another day, an opportunity to say just that.  How sorry I am for having offended you.  

Of all the gifts you have blessed me, is my family defined as LOVE, the greatest gift of all.  Thank you, I can't say that enough; I am so grateful.

Continue pouring down your grace on this world, never give up on us, PLEASE!
With returning love,
Just me again!   

My letter above in poetic form below

Mom's words I remember well
Wise in what she wanted to tell
Family steps on toes and hearts

I, too, like a child, offended you
Isn't that what we all do?
Thank you for another day

Did I ever say sorry dear Lord?
Today together in needful accord.
Sorry always for offending you

This greatest gift of Love you gave
Even when I misbehave
My family, my treasure all from you

One more thing before I end
Continue; your grace we depend
Never give up, trusting you !

5 thoughts on “My Letter to God”

  1. This is incredibly moving. Perhaps include the same in poetic format? 🙂 On the same post? It would be amazing to see the letter in both. Thank you so much for writing to the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I absolutely love it, Myrna! 😀 there is added depth to the letter in poetic form as one delves deeper into the conviction that it offers. Thank you so much for writing! 😍


  2. I like this part of the letter: “My mother would often say when children are young, they step on your toes; when older, they step on your heart. Isn’t that what we all do to you? Did I ever say sorry? “

    Liked by 1 person

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