Word of the Day Challenge

Lollipop Heaven

I hope this amusing post meets with Fandango’s idea about words;
also, the challenging word “obscure,” inspired by The Word of the Day

A creative parent trying to explain death to a youngster, in my opinion, might consider using words that would be obscure in the sense of realizing the mind of the innocent, their ability to perceive what we adults can not fully understand. This short story might explain my meaning.

Titled: “Lollipop Heaven”
Within the world of whimsical a short time ago, it was very sad for a lonesome little child. Someone, she loved recently died; as she sat quietly thinking, looking up to her mother, she asked.
“What is Heaven?”
Her mother’s eyes widened as she spoke softly. “Heaven is a place where we all want to see because the colors there are very vivid and true to their names.” Oranges and yellows are brighter than the sun, blues and greens are deeper than the oceans. All the clouds floating above are cotton candy, mountains covered with whipped cream, and the flowers there never wilt; in fact, are lollipops to pick.”
“Wow!” The child bellowed! “Grandma is so lucky; no wonder she won’t come back.”

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