Word Prompts

I hear His voice, “NEXT TIME!”

WORD PROMPT — Rainy Days

Read all about them from my point of view!

I love rainy days, although I wouldn’t want to see them too often. A good rainfall every ten days or so would be a welcomed treat. I imagine each raindrop as God’s grace/blessings falling from above to earth. Water purifying the air, watering the flowers and all His creatures. During a heavy rainfall we including birds, butterflies, bees and all, seem to hide for a while, and then when it stops raining we dance out from wherever, singing, buzzing all around, looking for the rainbow. Happiness is there once more, take the time to listen and see; rain bringing joy, even to those who didn’t revel in its beauty; they too are delighted when it ends.

Rain means aid is on the way; what help to me; I don’t have to water that day nor the next. Don’t have to drag those heavy hoses around, changing positions; it means more time to do other things.

Whenever it thunders, I feel so grateful to have a roof over my head; not everyone enjoys that protection, I realize that!

I usually find myself thanking God for every drop He sends me, although at times He teases me with a little shower instead, not even enough to wrought a puddle. “More, more,” I ask, with no avail. I hear His voice, “NEXT TIME!”


1 thought on “I hear His voice, “NEXT TIME!””

  1. Rain… Sometimes it is most welcome but when we’ve had too much of it, it most definitely is not! Thank you for sharing your rainy day thoughts with us and for taking part in our midweek rainy day word prompt. 🙂


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