dVerse, Supernatural Reality

Found Poetry of why Catholics Honor Mary

Learning something as I go along — i.e. what is “found poetry?”

Plus an added bonus in that dVerse wants poetry regarding Privileges.

Reading here on WordPress from other knowledgeable bloggers aroused my interest.  I did what any other person does these days, search google.

Wanting to try it, I decided to go for the Bible and see what poetry I could find.  After researching “found poetry” and the rules, there were none — changing, switching words, cutting, pasting adding or subtracting anything is permitted as part of the creativeness.


I was at a disadvantage searching the Bible because, well you know the Bible is the Word of God; therefore having to be careful not to change the context was a must.


Taken from the Book of Luke; Chapter 1

Title of my “found” poem


(verse 26)    Angel Gabriel
(29)               His word
(30)               Hast found grace
(35)               Power of the Most High
(38)               The angel departed
(42)               Blessed art thou among women
(46)               Mary said
(48)               All generations shall call me BLESSED 



With the exception of seeking into the Bible for God’s Words. 

Otherwise the art of FOUND POETRY, in my opinion, the art is in the montaging of words.

  Click here to see what I mean:

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