Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

The Butt-Kicking Prayer

I’m all in favor of letting God decide as to who is LOST and who are the ones deserving of PARADISE — tired of hearing the Left show how the Right is so wrong and vice versa. Aren’t you?

For me, it was New York when Governor Cuomo signed a NEW law stating killing of newborns legal.

Let’s let God decide!

I heard about this “butt-kicking prayer” for those who are offending God, prayers to wake them up.  Change boy to all offenders and one nation praying for another then sit back and watch God decide who are the offenders and who are the protectors of His law.

Great short video and very entertaining too! Just imagine when you watch to change the boy mentioned as a group not only one boy. Imagine prayers going up to heaven to God that His truth to be known down below to the offenders with no brains.  No one wants to harm anyone; just to warn them.

Video here: MUST WATCH! You will love it!


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