Supernatural Reality

Physician-assisted Suicide? Right or Wrong

The Challenge or suggestion today is in the form of a question, today the question is physician-assisted suicide, yes or no!

I love questions that cause me to think. I also realize that my way of thinking is not according to the direction of the world is moving today.
It is as though we are being pulled like a magnet to believe that this life is all we have therefore we should live it according to our convenience.

God really and truly speaks to all of us, and especially to us when we are near to our end. Suicide is evil because it removes our soul from the last chance we will have to hear His voice embedded within. If you don’t believe me, ask any physician or Hospice caretakers to tell you the stories they have witnessed sitting at the bedside of the dying.

Time to eternity is our journey like being born; leaving the womb of your mother entering this life. Now coming into our eternity, a new life of our choosing, a life of happiness or a life of absence of joy depending on how we ended.

Suicide is cheating yourself of that final vital conscious or coma state moment while still in the state of TIME. The time to review; the most critical moment allowed us.

The dying persons hearing the voice of God while pondering any regrets, feelings for contrition/repentance, and most importantly forgiveness from He who has created you.


4 thoughts on “Physician-assisted Suicide? Right or Wrong”

    1. Whatever I write I never thought that all the readers would agree with me, just as I don’t agree with all of them, and that is okay in my mind. I remember a few years back the left was pushing for tolerance and it did rub off on me. I believe in tolerance but not forced condoning!

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      1. I’m glad you responded to this post. As I said, I personally don’t agree with your position, but I appreciate your taking the time to express it and, while I don’t share your perspective, I respect it.

        Liked by 1 person

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