poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Tanka Tuesday — St.Joseph Worker

The Church remembers Good Saint Joseph, today May 1st with this Tanka poem.

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Sing and “Celebrate” my choices (plural) are chant, harmonize, honor, rejoice.  So many synonyms to choose from, thank you, Colleen.


May 1st honor to
Our St. Joseph — the worker
called foster-father
rejoice harmonize with chant
today we remember him




My painting of St. Joseph

8 thoughts on “Tanka Tuesday — St.Joseph Worker”

  1. Very nice. I recently started to be intrigued by God (I was brought up Catholic but have lost my way). I found myself downloading the bible last night.


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